cascada.primitives.simon_rf module

Simon-like round functions and their XOR and RX differential models.

Source: Observations on the SIMON block cipher family

class cascada.primitives.simon_rf.SimonRF(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cascada.bitvector.operation.SecondaryOperation

The non-linear part of the round function of Simon.

This corresponds to f(x) = ((x <<< a) & (x <<< b)) ^ (x <<< c), where (a, b, c) = (8, 1, 2).

classmethod output_width(x)[source]

Return the bit-width of the resulting bit-vector.

classmethod eval(x)[source]

Evaluate the operator with given operands.

This is an internal method that assumes the list args has been parsed. To evaluate a bit-vector operation, instantiate a new object with the operands as the object arguments (i.e., use the Python operator ()).


alias of cascada.primitives.simon_rf.RXModelSimonRF


alias of cascada.primitives.simon_rf.XorModelSimonRF

class cascada.primitives.simon_rf.XorModelSimonRF(input_prop)[source]

Bases: cascada.differential.opmodel.OpModel

Represent the XorDiff differential.opmodel.OpModel of SimonRF.

>>> from cascada.bitvector.core import Constant, Variable
>>> from cascada.differential.difference import XorDiff
>>> from cascada.primitives.simon_rf import XorModelSimonRF
>>> alpha = XorDiff(Constant(0, 16))
>>> f = XorModelSimonRF(alpha)
>>> print(f.vrepr())
XorModelSimonRF(XorDiff(Constant(0x0000, width=16)))
>>> x = Constant(0, 16)
>>> f.eval_derivative(x)  # f(x + alpha) - f(x)
>>> f.max_weight(), f.weight_width(), f.error(), f.num_frac_bits()
(15, 5, 0, 0)

alias of cascada.differential.difference.XorDiff


alias of cascada.primitives.simon_rf.SimonRF


Return the validity constraint for a given output XorDiff difference.

>>> from cascada.bitvector.core import Constant, Variable
>>> from cascada.bitvector.printing import BvWrapPrinter
>>> from cascada.differential.difference import XorDiff
>>> from cascada.primitives.simon_rf import XorModelSimonRF
>>> alpha = XorDiff(Constant(0, 16))
>>> f = XorModelSimonRF(alpha)
>>> f.validity_constraint(XorDiff(Constant(0, 16)))
>>> u, v = Variable("u", 16), Variable("v", 16)
>>> f = XorModelSimonRF(XorDiff(u))
>>> result = f.validity_constraint(XorDiff(v))
>>> print(BvWrapPrinter().doprint(result))
Ite(u == 0xffff,
    (PopCount(v ^ (u <<< 2))[0]) == 0b0,
           BvOr((v ^ (u <<< 2)) & ~((u <<< 8) | (u <<< 1)),
                (v ^ (u <<< 2) ^ ((v ^ (u <<< 2)) <<< 7)) & (u <<< 1) & ~(u <<< 8) & (u <<< 15)
>>> result.xreplace({u: Constant(0, 16), v: Constant(0, 16)})

See OpModel.validity_constraint for more information.


Return the probability-one constraint for a given output XorDiff.

>>> from cascada.bitvector.core import Constant, Variable
>>> from cascada.differential.difference import XorDiff
>>> from cascada.primitives.simon_rf import XorModelSimonRF
>>> alpha = XorDiff(Constant(0, 16))
>>> f = XorModelSimonRF(alpha)
>>> f.pr_one_constraint(XorDiff(Constant(0, 16)))

See abstractproperty.opmodel.OpModel.pr_one_constraint for more information.


Return the bit-vector weight for a given output XorDiff.

>>> from cascada.bitvector.core import Constant, Variable
>>> from cascada.bitvector.printing import BvWrapPrinter
>>> from cascada.bitvector.secondaryop import PopCount
>>> from cascada.differential.difference import XorDiff
>>> from cascada.primitives.simon_rf import XorModelSimonRF
>>> alpha = XorDiff(Constant(0, 16))
>>> f = XorModelSimonRF(alpha)
>>> f.bv_weight(XorDiff(Constant(0, 16)))
>>> alpha = XorDiff(Variable("u", 16))
>>> f = XorModelSimonRF(alpha)
>>> beta = XorDiff(Variable("v", 16))
>>> print(BvWrapPrinter().doprint(f.bv_weight(beta)))
Ite(u == 0xffff,
    PopCount(((u <<< 8) | (u <<< 1)) ^ ((u <<< 1) & ~(u <<< 8) & (u <<< 15)))

See also abstractproperty.opmodel.OpModel.bv_weight.


Return the maximum value the weight variable can achieve in OpModel.weight_constraint.


Return the width of the weight variable used OpModel.weight_constraint.


Return the decimal.Decimal weight for a given constant output Property.

This method returns, as a decimal number, the weight (negative binary logarithm) of the probability of the input property propagating to the output property.

This method only works when the input property and the output property are constant values, but provides a better approximation than the bit-vector weight from OpModel.weight_constraint.


Return the number of fractional bits used in the weight variable of OpModel.weight_constraint.

If the number of fractional bits is k, then the bit-vector weight variable w of OpModel.weight_constraint represents the number 2^{-k} * bv2int(w). In particular, if k == 0, then w represents an integer number. Otherwise, the k least significant bits of w denote the fractional part of the number represented by w.


Return the maximum difference between OpModel.weight_constraint and the exact weight.

The exact weight is exact value (without error) of the negative binary logarithm (weight) of the propagation probability of \((\alpha, \beta)\).


The exact weight can be computed in TestOpModelGeneric.get_empirical_weight_slow.

This method returns an upper bound (in absolute value) of the maximum difference (over all input and output properties) between the bit-vector weight from OpModel.weight_constraint and the exact weight.

Note that the exact weight might still differ from decimal_weight.

class cascada.primitives.simon_rf.RXModelSimonRF(input_prop)[source]

Bases: cascada.primitives.simon_rf.XorModelSimonRF

Represent the RXDiff differential.opmodel.OpModel of SimonRF.

>>> from cascada.bitvector.core import Constant, Variable
>>> from cascada.differential.difference import RXDiff
>>> from cascada.primitives.simon_rf import RXModelSimonRF
>>> alpha = RXDiff(Constant(0, 16))
>>> f = RXModelSimonRF(alpha)
>>> print(f.vrepr())
RXModelSimonRF(RXDiff(Constant(0x0000, width=16)))
>>> x = Constant(0, 16)
>>> f.eval_derivative(x)  # f(x + alpha) - f(x)
>>> f.max_weight(), f.weight_width(), f.error(), f.num_frac_bits()
(15, 5, 0, 0)

alias of cascada.differential.difference.RXDiff


alias of cascada.primitives.simon_rf.SimonRF