cascada.bitvector.secondaryop module

Provide additional (secondary) bit-vector operators.


The bit-wise majority function.


The bit-wise conditional (If) function.


Count the number of 1's in the bit-vector.


Reverse the bit-vector.


Count the number of 1's of two bit-vectors.


Count the number of 1's of three bit-vectors.


Compute the difference of the hamming weight of two words.


Return a bit-vector with the leading zeros set to one and the rest to zero.


Base class for LUT-based operations.


Base class for matrix-vector products.

class cascada.bitvector.secondaryop.BvMaj(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cascada.bitvector.operation.SecondaryOperation

The bit-wise majority function.

The bit-wise majority function BvMaj(x, y, z) is defined for each bit i as the most common bit in [x[i], y[i], z[i]].

Since BvMaj is a SecondaryOperation, by default it is fully evaluated (i.e., Operation.eval is used) when all the inputs are constants (see also context.SecondaryOperationEvaluation). On the other hand, pre_eval is always called in the evaluation (even with symbolic inputs).

>>> from cascada.bitvector.core import Constant, Variable
>>> from cascada.bitvector.secondaryop import BvMaj
>>> BvMaj(Constant(0b000, 3), Constant(0b001, 3), Constant(0b011, 3))
>>> BvMaj(Variable("x", 4), Variable("y", 4), Variable("z", 4))
BvMaj(x, y, z)
>>> BvMaj(Variable("x", 4), Variable("x", 4), Variable("z", 4))
>>> BvMaj(Variable("x", 4), Variable("y", 4), Variable("z", 4)).doit()
(x & y) | (x & z) | (y & z)
classmethod condition(x, y, z)[source]

Check if the operands verify the restrictions of the operator.

classmethod output_width(x, y, z)[source]

Return the bit-width of the resulting bit-vector.

classmethod pre_eval(x, y, z)[source]

Evaluate the operator before Operation.eval.

This is an internal method that assumes the list args has been parsed.

classmethod eval(x, y, z)[source]

Evaluate the operator with given operands.

This is an internal method that assumes the list args has been parsed. To evaluate a bit-vector operation, instantiate a new object with the operands as the object arguments (i.e., use the Python operator ()).

class cascada.bitvector.secondaryop.BvIf(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cascada.bitvector.operation.SecondaryOperation

The bit-wise conditional (If) function.

The bit-wise conditional function BvIf(x, y, z) is defined for each bit i as y[i] if x[i]=1 otherwise z[i].

>>> from cascada.bitvector.core import Constant, Variable
>>> from cascada.bitvector.secondaryop import BvIf
>>> BvIf(Constant(0b01, 2), Constant(0b00, 2), Constant(0b11, 2))
>>> BvIf(Variable("x", 4), Variable("y", 4), Variable("z", 4))
BvIf(x, y, z)
>>> BvIf(0, Variable("y", 4), Variable("z", 4))
>>> BvIf(Variable("x", 4), Variable("y", 4), Variable("z", 4)).doit()
(x & y) | (~x & z)
classmethod condition(x, y, z)[source]

Check if the operands verify the restrictions of the operator.

classmethod output_width(x, y, z)[source]

Return the bit-width of the resulting bit-vector.

classmethod pre_eval(x, y, z)[source]

Evaluate the operator before Operation.eval.

This is an internal method that assumes the list args has been parsed.

classmethod eval(x, y, z)[source]

Evaluate the operator with given operands.

This is an internal method that assumes the list args has been parsed. To evaluate a bit-vector operation, instantiate a new object with the operands as the object arguments (i.e., use the Python operator ()).

class cascada.bitvector.secondaryop.PopCount(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cascada.bitvector.operation.SecondaryOperation

Count the number of 1’s in the bit-vector.

This operation is also known as the hamming weight of a bit-vector.

>>> from cascada.bitvector.core import Constant, Variable
>>> from cascada.bitvector.secondaryop import PopCount
>>> PopCount(Constant(0b1010, 4))
>>> PopCount(Constant(0b101, 3))
>>> PopCount(Variable("x", 4)).doit()
(((x - ((x >> 0x1) & 0x5)) & 0x3) + (((x - ((x >> 0x1) & 0x5)) >> 0x2) & 0x3))[2:]
>>> PopCount(Variable("x", 3)).doit()
(0b0 :: (x[0])) + (0b0 :: (x[1])) + (0b0 :: (x[2]))
classmethod output_width(x)[source]

Return the bit-width of the resulting bit-vector.

classmethod eval(bv)[source]

Evaluate the operator with given operands.

This is an internal method that assumes the list args has been parsed. To evaluate a bit-vector operation, instantiate a new object with the operands as the object arguments (i.e., use the Python operator ()).

class cascada.bitvector.secondaryop.Reverse(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cascada.bitvector.operation.SecondaryOperation

Reverse the bit-vector.

>>> from cascada.bitvector.core import Constant, Variable
>>> from cascada.bitvector.secondaryop import PopCount
>>> Reverse(Constant(0b1010, 4))
>>> Reverse(Constant(0b001, 3))
>>> Reverse(Variable("x", 4)).doit()  
(((((x & 0x5) << 0x1) | ((x >> 0x1) & 0x5)) & 0x3) << 0x2) |
(((((x & 0x5) << 0x1) | ((x >> 0x1) & 0x5)) >> 0x2) & 0x3)
>>> Reverse(Variable("x", 3)).doit()
(x[0]) :: (x[1]) :: (x[2])
classmethod output_width(x)[source]

Return the bit-width of the resulting bit-vector.

classmethod eval(bv)[source]

Evaluate the operator with given operands.

This is an internal method that assumes the list args has been parsed. To evaluate a bit-vector operation, instantiate a new object with the operands as the object arguments (i.e., use the Python operator ()).

class cascada.bitvector.secondaryop.PopCountSum2(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cascada.bitvector.operation.SecondaryOperation

Count the number of 1’s of two bit-vectors.

>>> from cascada.bitvector.core import Constant, Variable
>>> from cascada.bitvector.secondaryop import PopCountSum2
>>> PopCountSum2(Constant(0b000, 3), Constant(0b001, 3))
>>> PopCountSum2(~Constant(0, 15), ~Constant(0, 15))
>>> PopCountSum2(Variable("x", 4), Variable("y", 4)).doit()  
((x - ((x >> 0x1) & 0x5)) & 0x3) + (((x - ((x >> 0x1) & 0x5)) >> 0x2) & 0x3) +
((y - ((y >> 0x1) & 0x5)) & 0x3) + (((y - ((y >> 0x1) & 0x5)) >> 0x2) & 0x3)
>>> PopCountSum2(Variable("x", 3), Variable("y", 3)).doit()  
(0b0 :: ((0b0 :: (x[0])) + (0b0 :: (x[1])) + (0b0 :: (x[2])))) +
(0b0 :: ((0b0 :: (y[0])) + (0b0 :: (y[1])) + (0b0 :: (y[2]))))
classmethod condition(x, y)[source]

Check if the operands verify the restrictions of the operator.

classmethod output_width(x, y)[source]

Return the bit-width of the resulting bit-vector.

classmethod eval(x, y)[source]

Evaluate the operator with given operands.

This is an internal method that assumes the list args has been parsed. To evaluate a bit-vector operation, instantiate a new object with the operands as the object arguments (i.e., use the Python operator ()).

class cascada.bitvector.secondaryop.PopCountSum3(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cascada.bitvector.operation.SecondaryOperation

Count the number of 1’s of three bit-vectors.

>>> from cascada.bitvector.core import Constant, Variable
>>> from cascada.bitvector.secondaryop import PopCountSum3
>>> PopCountSum3(Constant(0b000, 3), Constant(0b001, 3), Constant(0b011, 3))
>>> PopCountSum3(Variable("x", 4), Variable("y", 4), Variable("z", 4)).doit()  
((x - ((x >> 0x1) & 0x5)) & 0x3) + (((x - ((x >> 0x1) & 0x5)) >> 0x2) & 0x3) +
((y - ((y >> 0x1) & 0x5)) & 0x3) + (((y - ((y >> 0x1) & 0x5)) >> 0x2) & 0x3) +
((z - ((z >> 0x1) & 0x5)) & 0x3) + (((z - ((z >> 0x1) & 0x5)) >> 0x2) & 0x3)
>>> PopCountSum3(Variable("x", 3), Variable("y", 3), Constant(0, 3)).doit()  
(0b00 :: ((0b0 :: (x[0])) + (0b0 :: (x[1])) + (0b0 :: (x[2])))) +
(0b00 :: ((0b0 :: (y[0])) + (0b0 :: (y[1])) + (0b0 :: (y[2]))))
classmethod condition(x, y, z)[source]

Check if the operands verify the restrictions of the operator.

classmethod output_width(x, y, z)[source]

Return the bit-width of the resulting bit-vector.

classmethod eval(x, y, z)[source]

Evaluate the operator with given operands.

This is an internal method that assumes the list args has been parsed. To evaluate a bit-vector operation, instantiate a new object with the operands as the object arguments (i.e., use the Python operator ()).

class cascada.bitvector.secondaryop.PopCountDiff(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cascada.bitvector.operation.SecondaryOperation

Compute the difference of the hamming weight of two words.

>>> from cascada.bitvector.core import Constant, Variable
>>> from cascada.bitvector.secondaryop import PopCountDiff
>>> PopCountDiff(Constant(0b011, 3), Constant(0b100, 3))
>>> PopCountDiff(Variable("x", 4), Variable("y", 4)).doit()  
((((x - ((x >> 0x1) & 0x5)) & 0x3) + (((x - ((x >> 0x1) & 0x5)) >> 0x2) & 0x3) +
((~y - ((~y >> 0x1) & 0x5)) & 0x3) + (((~y - ((~y >> 0x1) & 0x5)) >> 0x2) & 0x3)) - 0x4)[2:]
>>> PopCountDiff(Variable("x", 3), Variable("y", 3)).doit()  
((0b0 :: (x[0])) + (0b0 :: (x[1])) + (0b0 :: (x[2]))) -
((0b0 :: (y[0])) + (0b0 :: (y[1])) + (0b0 :: (y[2])))
classmethod condition(x, y)[source]

Check if the operands verify the restrictions of the operator.

classmethod output_width(x, y)[source]

Return the bit-width of the resulting bit-vector.

classmethod eval(x, y)[source]

Evaluate the operator with given operands.

This is an internal method that assumes the list args has been parsed. To evaluate a bit-vector operation, instantiate a new object with the operands as the object arguments (i.e., use the Python operator ()).

class cascada.bitvector.secondaryop.LeadingZeros(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cascada.bitvector.operation.SecondaryOperation

Return a bit-vector with the leading zeros set to one and the rest to zero.

>>> from cascada.bitvector.core import Constant, Variable
>>> from cascada.bitvector.secondaryop import PopCount
>>> LeadingZeros(Constant(0b11111, 5))
>>> LeadingZeros(Constant(0b001, 3))
>>> LeadingZeros(Variable("x", 4)).doit()
~(x | (x >> 0x1) | ((x | (x >> 0x1)) >> 0x2))
>>> LeadingZeros(Variable("x", 3)).doit()
~(((0b0 :: x) | ((0b0 :: x) >> 0x1) | (((0b0 :: x) | ((0b0 :: x) >> 0x1)) >> 0x2))[2:])
classmethod output_width(x)[source]

Return the bit-width of the resulting bit-vector.

classmethod eval(bv)[source]

Evaluate the operator with given operands.

This is an internal method that assumes the list args has been parsed. To evaluate a bit-vector operation, instantiate a new object with the operands as the object arguments (i.e., use the Python operator ()).

class cascada.bitvector.secondaryop.LutOperation(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cascada.bitvector.operation.SecondaryOperation

Base class for LUT-based operations.

Given a LUT (look-up table) T with Constant elements, the (bit-vector) LUT-based operation T(x) (with bit-vector input x) returns the bit-vector of T in the position given by the integer value of x.

Since LutOperation is a SecondaryOperation, it is only evaluated by default when the input is a constant value (see also context.SecondaryOperationEvaluation).

This class is not meant to be instantiated but to provide a base class for LUT-based operations. To define a LUT-based operation, subclass LutOperation and provide the class attribute lut.


the table that defines the LUT-based operation given as a list of Constant objects.

>>> from cascada.bitvector.core import Constant, Variable
>>> from cascada.bitvector.secondaryop import LutOperation
>>> class MyInvertibleLut(LutOperation): lut = [Constant(i, 2) for i in reversed(range(2**2))]
>>> MyInvertibleLut(Constant(0, 2))
>>> MyInvertibleLut(Variable("a", 2)).doit()
Ite(a == 0b00, 0b11, Ite(a == 0b01, 0b10, Ite(a == 0b10, 0b01, 0b00)))
>>> class MyNonInvLut(LutOperation): lut = [Constant(0, 8), ~Constant(0, 8)]
>>> MyNonInvLut(Variable("a", 1)).doit()
Ite(a == 0b0, 0x00, 0xff)
classmethod condition(x)[source]

Check if the operands verify the restrictions of the operator.

classmethod output_width(x)[source]

Return the bit-width of the resulting bit-vector.

classmethod eval(x)[source]

Evaluate the operator with given operands.

This is an internal method that assumes the list args has been parsed. To evaluate a bit-vector operation, instantiate a new object with the operands as the object arguments (i.e., use the Python operator ()).

class cascada.bitvector.secondaryop.MatrixOperation(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cascada.bitvector.operation.SecondaryOperation

Base class for matrix-vector products.

Given a binary matrix as a 2-dimensional list M with 1-bit Constant elements (M[i][j] is the j-th column element in the i-th row), the (bit-vector) matrix-vector product M(x) (with bit-vector input x) returns the bit-vector of y such the i-th bit of y is given by y[i] = (M[i][0] & x[0]) ^ (M[i][1] & x[1]) ^ ... ^ (M[i][n-1] & x[n-1]) where n is the number of columns and the width of x.

Since MatrixOperation is a SecondaryOperation, it is only evaluated by default when the input is a constant value (see also context.SecondaryOperationEvaluation).

This class is not meant to be instantiated but to provide a base class for matrix-vector products. To define a matrix-vector product, subclass MatrixOperation and provide the class attribute matrix.


By default, a MatrixOperation subclass takes 1 input operand x, but arity can be changed to support multiple operands. In this case, the list of inputs (x_1, ..., x_n) are concatenated into x as x = x_n :: ... :: x_1 (x_1 denoting the least-significant part and x_n denoting the most-significant part).

In other words, a MatrixOperation subclass with arity == [n, 0] and input (x_1, ..., x_n) computes M(x_n :: ... :: x_1).

Alternatively, binary matrices can be implemented as a sequence of BvXor operations (e.g.,


the binary matrix as a 2D list of 1-bit Constant objects.

>>> from cascada.bitvector.core import Constant, Variable
>>> from cascada.bitvector.secondaryop import MatrixOperation
>>> matrix = [[0, 1], [1, 0]]  # reverse
>>> matrix = [[core.Constant(x, 1) for x in row] for row in matrix]
>>> class MySquareMatrix(MatrixOperation): matrix = matrix
>>> MySquareMatrix(Constant(0, 2))
>>> MySquareMatrix(Variable("a", 2)).doit()
(a[0]) :: (a[1])
>>> matrix = [[1, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [0, 1]]  # 2 bit to 4 bit
>>> matrix = [[core.Constant(x, 1) for x in row] for row in matrix]
>>> class MyNonSqMatrix(MatrixOperation): arity, matrix = [2, 0], matrix
>>> MyNonSqMatrix(Variable("a0", 1), Variable("a1", 1)).doit()
a1 :: a0 :: a1 :: a0
classmethod condition(*args)[source]

Check if the operands verify the restrictions of the operator.

classmethod output_width(*args)[source]

Return the bit-width of the resulting bit-vector.

classmethod eval(*args)[source]

Evaluate the operator with given operands.

This is an internal method that assumes the list args has been parsed. To evaluate a bit-vector operation, instantiate a new object with the operands as the object arguments (i.e., use the Python operator ()).