"""NOEKEON cipher."""
from cascada.bitvector.core import Constant
from cascada.bitvector.operation import RotateLeft, RotateRight, BvIdentity
from cascada.bitvector.ssa import BvFunction, RoundBasedFunction
from cascada.primitives.blockcipher import Encryption, Cipher
def theta(x, k):
t = x[0] ^ x[2]
t ^= RotateLeft(t, 8) ^ RotateRight(t, 8)
x[1] ^= t
x[3] ^= t
x[0] ^= k[0]
x[1] ^= k[1]
x[2] ^= k[2]
x[3] ^= k[3]
t = x[1] ^ x[3]
t ^= RotateLeft(t, 8) ^ RotateRight(t, 8)
x[0] ^= t
x[2] ^= t
# force the creation of new intermediate properties for the output of theta
# (to speed up the generation of characteristics)
x[0] = BvIdentity(x[0])
x[1] = BvIdentity(x[1])
x[2] = BvIdentity(x[2])
x[3] = BvIdentity(x[3])
def gamma(x):
x[1] ^= ~(x[3] | x[2])
x[0] ^= x[2] & x[1]
t = x[3]
x[3] = x[0]
x[0] = t
x[2] ^= x[0] ^ x[1] ^ x[3]
x[1] ^= ~(x[3] | x[2])
x[0] ^= x[2] & x[1]
def pi1(x):
x[1] = RotateLeft(x[1], 1)
x[2] = RotateLeft(x[2], 5)
x[3] = RotateLeft(x[3], 2)
def pi2(x):
x[1] = RotateRight(x[1], 1)
x[2] = RotateRight(x[2], 5)
x[3] = RotateRight(x[3], 2)
RC = (0x80, 0x1B, 0x36, 0x6C, 0xD8, 0xAB, 0x4D, 0x9A,
0x2F, 0x5E, 0xBC, 0x63, 0xC6, 0x97, 0x35, 0x6A,
0xD4, 0xB3, 0x7D, 0xFA, 0xEF, 0xC5, 0x91, 0x39,
0x72, 0xE4, 0xD3, 0xBD, 0x61, 0xC2, 0x9F, 0x25,
0x4A, 0x94)
[docs]class NOEKEONDirectKeySchedule(BvFunction):
"""NOEKEON direct mode key schedule function."""
input_widths = [32, 32, 32, 32]
output_widths = [32, 32, 32, 32]
[docs] @classmethod
def eval(cls, *master_key):
return master_key
[docs]class NOEKEONIndirectKeySchedule(RoundBasedFunction):
"""NOEKEON indirect mode key schedule function."""
num_rounds = 16
input_widths = [32, 32, 32, 32]
output_widths = [32, 32, 32, 32]
null_vector = (Constant(0, 32), Constant(0, 32), Constant(0, 32), Constant(0, 32))
[docs] @classmethod
def set_num_rounds(cls, new_num_rounds):
assert new_num_rounds < len(RC)
cls.num_rounds = new_num_rounds
[docs] @classmethod
def eval(cls, *master_key):
x = list(master_key)
for i in range(cls.num_rounds):
x[0] ^= Constant(RC[i], 32)
theta(x, cls.null_vector)
x[0] ^= Constant(RC[cls.num_rounds], 32)
theta(x, cls.null_vector)
return x
[docs]class NOEKEONEncryption(Encryption, RoundBasedFunction):
"""NOEKEON encryption function."""
num_rounds = 16
input_widths = [32, 32, 32, 32]
output_widths = [32, 32, 32, 32]
round_keys = None
[docs] @classmethod
def set_num_rounds(cls, new_num_rounds):
assert new_num_rounds < len(RC)
cls.num_rounds = new_num_rounds
[docs] @classmethod
def eval(cls, *x):
x = list(x)
for i in range(cls.num_rounds):
x[0] ^= Constant(RC[i], 32)
theta(x, cls.round_keys)
x[0] ^= Constant(RC[cls.num_rounds], 32)
theta(x, cls.round_keys)
return x
[docs]class NOEKEONDirectCipher(Cipher):
"""NOEKEON cipher in direct mode."""
key_schedule = NOEKEONDirectKeySchedule
encryption = NOEKEONEncryption
[docs] @classmethod
def set_num_rounds(cls, new_num_rounds):
[docs] @classmethod
def test(cls):
"""Test NOEKEON direct mode with NESSIE test vectors."""
old_num_rounds = cls.num_rounds
# https://www.cosic.esat.kuleuven.be/nessie/testvectors/bc/noekeon/Noekeon-Direct-128-128.verified.test-vectors
# Set 8, vector# 1
plaintext = (0x4765F3DA, 0x10CD3D04, 0x73867742, 0xB5E5CC3C)
key = (0x2BD6459F, 0x82C5B300, 0x952C4910, 0x4881FF48)
assert cls(plaintext, key) == (0xEA024714, 0xAD5C4D84, 0xEA024714, 0xAD5C4D84)
[docs]class NOEKEONIndirectCipher(Cipher):
"""NOEKEON cipher in indirect mode."""
key_schedule = NOEKEONIndirectKeySchedule
encryption = NOEKEONEncryption
[docs] @classmethod
def set_num_rounds(cls, new_num_rounds):
[docs] @classmethod
def test(cls):
"""Test NOEKEON indirect mode with NESSIE test vectors."""
old_num_rounds = cls.num_rounds
# https://www.cosic.esat.kuleuven.be/nessie/testvectors/bc/noekeon/Noekeon-Indirect-128-128.verified.test-vectors
# Set 8, vector# 1
plaintext = (0x023F84AD, 0x917B6F6C, 0x9F9592FD, 0xBAE4EB69)
key = (0x2BD6459F, 0x82C5B300, 0x952C4910, 0x4881FF48)
assert cls(plaintext, key) == (0xEA024714, 0xAD5C4D84, 0xEA024714, 0xAD5C4D84)