"""SMT-based experiments of `A Low-Randomness Second-Order Masked AES
To run, call `find_best_key_schedule_characteristic` or `find_best_encryption_characteristic`.
import functools
from decimal import Decimal
from cascada.bitvector.core import Constant, Term
from cascada.bitvector.operation import BvOr, BvComp, Concat, BvIdentity
from cascada.bitvector.secondaryop import LutOperation, PopCount
from cascada.linear.mask import LinearMask
from cascada.linear.opmodel import get_weak_model
from cascada.linear.chmodel import ChModel
from cascada.smt.chsearch import (
ChModelAssertType, ChFinder, PrintingMode, _get_smart_print
from cascada.primitives import aes
[docs]class SboxA(aes.SboxLut):
"""Represent a generic S-box with the following absolute correlations:
- zero -> zero: :math:`1`
- non-zero -> non-zero: :math:`2^{-3}`
- zero -> non-zero: :math:`2^{-3.8}`
[docs]class SboxB(aes.SboxLut):
"""Represent a generic S-box with the following absolute correlations:
- zero -> zero: :math:`1`
- non-zero -> non-zero: :math:`2^{-2.6}`
- zero -> non-zero: :math:`2^{-4}`
[docs]class SboxZeroWeight(aes.SboxLut):
"""Represent a generic S-box with the following absolute correlations:
- zero -> zero: 1
- non-zero -> non-zero: 1
- zero -> non-zero: 1
SboxA.linear_model = get_weak_model(
SboxA, Decimal(3), zero2nonzero_weight=Decimal(3.8), precision=4)
SboxB.linear_model = get_weak_model(
SboxB, Decimal(2.6), zero2nonzero_weight=Decimal(4), precision=4)
SboxZeroWeight.linear_model = get_weak_model(
SboxZeroWeight, 0, zero2nonzero_weight=0)
[docs]class AESMaskedKeySchedule(aes.AESKeySchedule):
"""Key schedule of masked AES-128."""
num_rounds = 10
input_widths = [8 for _ in range(16)] + [8 for _ in range(2 * 10)]
output_widths = [8 for _ in range(16)]
logging_mode = aes.LoggingMode.Silent
num_extra_cells = 2*10
ignore_first_last_sbox_weights = True
[docs] @classmethod
def set_num_rounds(cls, new_num_rounds):
cls.num_rounds = new_num_rounds
cls.num_extra_cells = 2 * cls.num_rounds
cls.input_widths = [8 for _ in range(16)] + [8 for _ in range(cls.num_extra_cells)]
def _sub_word(cls, my_word, extra_cell, my_sbox):
a, b, c, d = my_word
sbox_inputs = [x for x in [a, b, c, d]]
xor_values = [BvIdentity(xv) for xv in [b, c, d, extra_cell]] # new copies with != names
sbox_outputs = [my_sbox(x) for x in sbox_inputs]
# changing of the guards
a_ = sbox_outputs[0] ^ xor_values[0]
b_ = sbox_outputs[1] ^ xor_values[1]
c_ = sbox_outputs[2] ^ xor_values[2]
d_ = sbox_outputs[3] ^ xor_values[3]
new_word = [a_, b_, c_, d_]
if cls.logging_mode == aes.LoggingMode.Debug:
# ensuring the correct values are logged (i.e., not intermediate branches) by
# using different names for sbox_inputs and xor_values
name_sbox = my_sbox.__name__
# cls.log_msg(" - word: [{},{},{},{}]\n - sbox_inputs: [{},{},{},{}]\n - xor_values: [{},{},{},{}]",
# my_word + sbox_inputs + xor_values)
for i in range(len(sbox_outputs)):
cls.log_msg(f" - {name_sbox}({{}}) -> {{}} XOR {{}}) -> {{}}",
[sbox_inputs[i], sbox_outputs[i], xor_values[i], new_word[i]])
return new_word
def sub_word(cls, my_word):
output_word = my_word[:]
r = cls._current_sub_word_round
if r == 0 and cls.ignore_first_last_sbox_weights:
my_sbox = SboxZeroWeight
my_sbox = SboxA
output_word = cls._sub_word(output_word, cls._list_extra_cells[2*r + 0], my_sbox)
if r == cls.num_rounds - 1 and cls.ignore_first_last_sbox_weights:
my_sbox = SboxZeroWeight
my_sbox = SboxB
output_word = cls._sub_word(output_word, cls._list_extra_cells[2*r + 1], my_sbox)
cls._current_sub_word_round += 1
return output_word
[docs] @classmethod
def eval(cls, *master_key):
cls._current_sub_word_round = 0
assert cls.num_extra_cells > 0
cls._list_extra_cells = master_key[-cls.num_extra_cells:]
if cls.logging_mode != aes.LoggingMode.Silent:
format_string = "extra cells:\n(" + ",".join(["{}"]*cls.num_extra_cells) + ")"
cls.log_msg(format_string, list(cls._list_extra_cells[:]))
result = super().eval(*master_key)
assert cls._current_sub_word_round == cls.num_rounds
return result[-16:]
[docs]def get_key_schedule_constraints(ch_model, verbose=False, filename=None):
"""Get the following initial constraints:
- extra cells not active
- (at most 2 adjacent cells in the last column of the input) OR (at most 1 row active in the input)
- (at most 2 adjacent cells in the last column of the output) OR (at most 1 row active in the output)
initial_constraints = []
smart_print = _get_smart_print(filename)
num_rows, num_columns = 4, 4
num_extra_cells = ch_model.func.num_extra_cells
assert num_extra_cells > 0
def to_1b(my_val):
# return 0b0 if my_val == 0 and 0b1 if my_val != 0 (active)
assert isinstance(my_val, Term)
if my_val.width == 1:
return my_val
return ~(BvComp(my_val, Constant(0, my_val.width)))
input_state_list = [m.val for m in ch_model.input_mask]
output_state_list = [m.val for m in ch_model.output_mask]
extra_cells_mask = input_state_list[-num_extra_cells:]
input_state_list = input_state_list[:-num_extra_cells] # without extra cells
if verbose:
class AuxAESLikeFunction(aes.AESLikeFunction):
num_rows, num_columns = 4, 4
cell_width = 8
logging_mode = aes.LoggingMode.Debug
my_matrix = AuxAESLikeFunction.list2matrix(input_state_list)
fs, ffo = AuxAESLikeFunction.log_activity_matrix_state(my_matrix, return_format=True)
smart_print("Input masks: \n"+fs.format(*ffo))
smart_print(f"Extra cell masks: {extra_cells_mask}")
my_matrix = AuxAESLikeFunction.list2matrix(output_state_list)
fs, ffo = AuxAESLikeFunction.log_activity_matrix_state(my_matrix, return_format=True)
smart_print("Output masks:\n"+fs.format(*ffo))
extra_cells_mask = functools.reduce(BvOr, [m for m in extra_cells_mask])
initial_constraints.append(BvComp(extra_cells_mask, Constant(0, extra_cells_mask.width)))
if verbose:
smart_print("Extra cell constraint:")
smart_print(" - extra cells == 0 <==>", initial_constraints[-1])
for index_state, state_list in enumerate([input_state_list, output_state_list]):
if verbose:
if index_state == 0:
smart_print("Input state constraints: (c11 & c12) | c2")
smart_print("Output state constraints: (c11 & c12) | c2")
# - c1
# state ordered by columns
last_column_cell_active = [to_1b(cell) for cell in state_list[-4:]] # last_column_cell_active[i] == 1 if i-th cell in last column is active
last_column_cell_pair_active = [] # last_column_cell_pair_active[j] == 1 if j-th pair on consecutive column cell is active
for j in range(num_rows):
last_column_cell_pair_active.append(last_column_cell_active[j] | last_column_cell_active[(j + 1) % num_rows])
last_column_cell_pair_active = functools.reduce(Concat, [m for m in last_column_cell_pair_active])
num_active = PopCount(last_column_cell_pair_active)
c11 = BvComp(num_active, Constant(2, num_active.width))
if verbose:
smart_print(" - c11: 2 == HW( Concat(column_cell_pair_active) = {} ) <==> {}".format(last_column_cell_pair_active, c11))
# first_columns_cells[i] is the i-th cell (containing all cells in every but last column)
first_columns_cells = state_list[:-4]
first_columns_cells = functools.reduce(BvOr, [m for m in first_columns_cells])
c12 = BvComp(first_columns_cells, Constant(0, first_columns_cells.width))
if verbose:
smart_print(" - c12: 0 == Concat(column0,column1,column2) = {} <==> {}".format(first_columns_cells, c12))
c1 = c11 & c12
# - c2
def has_hw_1(x):
return BvComp(x & (x - 1), Constant(0, x.width))
row_active = [] # row_active[i] == 1 if i-th row is active
for row in range(num_rows):
my_row = [state_list[row + (column * num_rows)] for column in range(num_columns)]
row_active.append(to_1b(functools.reduce(Concat, my_row)))
row_active = functools.reduce(Concat, [m for m in row_active])
c2 = has_hw_1(row_active)
if verbose:
smart_print(" - c2: 1 == HW( Concat(row_active) = {} ) <==> {}".format(row_active, c2))
initial_constraints.append(c1 | c2)
if verbose:
return initial_constraints
[docs]def find_best_key_schedule_characteristic(verbose=False):
"""Find the best trail spanning eight rounds and activating 21 masked S-boxes,
with total absolute correlation :math:`2^{−63.60}`.
>>> from cascada.primitives.aes_masked import find_best_key_schedule_characteristic
>>> found_ch = find_best_key_schedule_characteristic(verbose=False)
>>> print(found_ch.srepr()) # doctest:+NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
Ch(w=63.60, id=00 04 00 00 00 53 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 72 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00,
od=00 04 00 00 00 53 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 72 00 00)
num_rounds = 8
logging_mode = aes.LoggingMode.Debug if verbose else aes.LoggingMode.Silent
printing_mode = PrintingMode.Debug if verbose else PrintingMode.Silent
filename = None
AESMaskedKeySchedule.logging_mode = logging_mode
input_names = [f"k{i}" for i in range(16)] + [f"r{i}" for i in range(2 * num_rounds)]
ch_model = ChModel(AESMaskedKeySchedule, LinearMask, input_names, "x")
initial_constraints = get_key_schedule_constraints(ch_model, verbose=verbose, filename=filename)
assert_type = ChModelAssertType.ValidityAndWeight
ch_finder = ChFinder(ch_model, assert_type, "btor", solver_seed=0,
printing_mode=printing_mode, filename=filename)
ch_found = next(ch_finder.find_next_ch_increasing_weight(initial_weight=1))
if verbose:
smart_print = _get_smart_print(filename)
smart_print("\nFound trail:", ch_found.srepr(), "\n")
return ch_found
[docs]class AESMaskedEncryption(aes.AESLikeFunction):
"""Encryption of masked AES-128."""
num_rounds = 10
num_rows, num_columns = 4, 5
cell_width = 8
mix_columns_bit_matrix = aes.MixColumnsBitMatrix
ignore_first_subcell = True
ignore_last_subcell = True
ignore_first_last_sbox_weights = True
name_sub_cells = "SubBytes"
logging_mode = aes.LoggingMode.Silent
def sub_cells(cls, my_matrix_state, my_sbox):
new_matrix_state = [row[:] for row in my_matrix_state]
for row in range(cls.num_rows):
a, b, c, d, e = my_matrix_state[row]
if row == 0:
xor_values = [b, c, d, e, a]
elif row == 1:
xor_values = [c, d, e, a, b]
elif row == 2:
xor_values = [d, e, a, b, c]
elif row == 3:
xor_values = [e, a, b, c, d]
raise ValueError("invalid row")
sbox_inputs = [x for x in [a, b, c, d]]
xor_values = [BvIdentity(x) for x in xor_values] # new copies with != names
sbox_outputs = [my_sbox(x) for x in sbox_inputs]
# changing of the guards
a_ = sbox_outputs[0] ^ xor_values[0]
b_ = sbox_outputs[1] ^ xor_values[1]
c_ = sbox_outputs[2] ^ xor_values[2]
d_ = sbox_outputs[3] ^ xor_values[3]
e_ = BvIdentity(xor_values[4]) # new copy with != name
new_matrix_state[row] = [a_, b_, c_, d_, e_]
if cls.logging_mode == aes.LoggingMode.Debug:
# ensuring the correct values are logged (i.e., not intermediate branches) by
# - using different names for sbox_inputs and xor_values
# - using a new name for each output cell
name_sbox = my_sbox.__name__
# cls.log_msg(" - row: [{},{},{},{},{}]\n - sbox_inputs: [{},{},{},{}]\n - xor_values: [{},{},{},{}]",
# my_matrix_state[row] + sbox_inputs + xor_values)
cls.log_msg(f" {getattr(cls, 'name_sub_cells', 'SubCells')} row {row}:")
for i in range(len(sbox_outputs)):
cls.log_msg(f" - {name_sbox}({{}}) -> {{}} XOR {{}}) -> {{}}",
[sbox_inputs[i], sbox_outputs[i], xor_values[i], new_matrix_state[row][i]])
if cls.logging_mode not in [aes.LoggingMode.Silent, aes.LoggingMode.RoundOutputs]:
cls.log_msg(f"output of {getattr(cls, 'name_sub_cells', 'SubCells')}:")
return new_matrix_state
def shift_rows(cls, my_matrix_state):
new_matrix_state = [row[:] for row in my_matrix_state]
for r in range(4):
offset = r # shift offset (0 for r=0, 1 for r=1, ...)
for c in range(4):
new_matrix_state[r][c] = my_matrix_state[r][(c + offset) % 4]
if cls.logging_mode not in [aes.LoggingMode.Silent, aes.LoggingMode.RoundOutputs]:
cls.log_msg(f"output of {getattr(cls, 'name_shift_rows', 'ShiftRows')}:")
return new_matrix_state
[docs] @classmethod
def eval(cls, *plaintext):
matrix_state = cls.list2matrix(plaintext)
if cls.logging_mode != aes.LoggingMode.Silent:
ign = cls.ignore_first_last_sbox_weights
for r in range(cls.num_rounds):
if r == 0:
if cls.ignore_first_subcell:
matrix_state = cls.sub_cells(matrix_state, my_sbox=SboxB if not ign else SboxZeroWeight)
matrix_state = cls.sub_cells(matrix_state, my_sbox=SboxA if not ign else SboxZeroWeight)
matrix_state = cls.sub_cells(matrix_state, my_sbox=SboxB)
matrix_state = cls.shift_rows(matrix_state)
matrix_state = cls.mix_columns(matrix_state)
elif r < cls.num_rounds - 1:
matrix_state = cls.sub_cells(matrix_state, my_sbox=SboxA)
matrix_state = cls.sub_cells(matrix_state, my_sbox=SboxB)
matrix_state = cls.shift_rows(matrix_state)
matrix_state = cls.mix_columns(matrix_state)
elif r == cls.num_rounds - 1:
if cls.ignore_last_subcell:
matrix_state = cls.sub_cells(matrix_state, my_sbox=SboxA if not ign else SboxZeroWeight)
matrix_state = cls.sub_cells(matrix_state, my_sbox=SboxA)
matrix_state = cls.sub_cells(matrix_state, my_sbox=SboxB if not ign else SboxZeroWeight)
if cls.logging_mode != aes.LoggingMode.Silent:
cls.log_msg(f"output of round {r+1}:") # 1 <= {r+1} <= {cls.num_rounds}
cls.log_msg("", []) # new line
return tuple(cls.matrix2list(matrix_state))
[docs]def get_encryption_constraints(ch_model, verbose=False, filename=None):
"""Get the initial constraint ensuring exactly 1 cell active in the input and 1 cell active in the output."""
initial_constraints = []
smart_print = _get_smart_print(filename)
if verbose:
my_matrix = ch_model.func.list2matrix([m.val for m in ch_model.input_mask])
fs, ffo = ch_model.func.log_activity_matrix_state(my_matrix, return_format=True)
smart_print("Input masks: \n"+fs.format(*ffo))
my_matrix = ch_model.func.list2matrix([m.val for m in ch_model.output_mask])
fs, ffo = ch_model.func.log_activity_matrix_state(my_matrix, return_format=True)
smart_print("Output masks:\n"+fs.format(*ffo))
def has_hw_1(x):
return BvComp(x & (x - 1), Constant(0, x.width))
concat_input_mask = functools.reduce(Concat, [m.val for m in ch_model.input_mask])
concat_output_mask = functools.reduce(Concat, [m.val for m in ch_model.output_mask])
if verbose:
smart_print(" - 1 == HW( {} ) <==> {}".format(concat_input_mask, initial_constraints[0]))
smart_print(" - 1 == HW( {} ) <==> {}".format(concat_output_mask, initial_constraints[1]))
return initial_constraints
[docs]def find_best_encryption_characteristic(verbose=False):
"""Find the best trail spanning 3 rounds and activating 21 masked S-boxes,
with total absolute correlation :math:`2^{-51.60}`.
>>> from cascada.primitives.aes_masked import find_best_encryption_characteristic
>>> found_ch = find_best_encryption_characteristic(verbose=False)
>>> print(found_ch.srepr()) # doctest:+NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
Ch(w=52.20, id=00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00,
od=00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00)
num_rounds = 3
logging_mode = aes.LoggingMode.Debug if verbose else aes.LoggingMode.Silent
printing_mode = PrintingMode.Debug if verbose else PrintingMode.Silent
filename = None
AESMaskedEncryption.logging_mode = logging_mode
input_names = [f"p{i}" for i in range(4*5)]
ch_model = ChModel(AESMaskedEncryption, LinearMask, input_names, "x")
initial_constraints = get_encryption_constraints(ch_model, verbose=verbose, filename=filename)
assert_type = ChModelAssertType.ValidityAndWeight
ch_finder = ChFinder(ch_model, assert_type, "btor", solver_seed=0,
printing_mode=printing_mode, filename=filename)
ch_found = next(ch_finder.find_next_ch_increasing_weight(initial_weight=1))
if verbose:
smart_print = _get_smart_print(filename)
smart_print("\nFound trail:", ch_found.srepr(), "\n")
return ch_found