"""Manipulate non-symbolic differential characteristics.
.. autosummary::
import decimal
import collections
import functools
import itertools
import math
import multiprocessing
import random
from cascada.bitvector import core
from cascada.bitvector import context
from cascada.bitvector import ssa as cascada_ssa
from cascada.differential import difference
from cascada.differential import chmodel as cascada_chmodel
from cascada.differential import opmodel as cascada_opmodel
from cascada import abstractproperty
zip = functools.partial(zip, strict=True)
EmpiricalWeightData = abstractproperty.characteristic.EmpiricalWeightData
[docs]class Characteristic(abstractproperty.characteristic.Characteristic):
"""Represent differential characteristics over bit-vector functions.
Internally, this class is a subclass of
where the `Property` is a `Difference` type.
As mentioned in `abstractproperty.characteristic.Characteristic`,
the characteristic probability is defined as the product of the propagation
probability (differential probability) of the `Difference` pairs (differentials)
:math:`(\Delta_{x_{i}} \mapsto \Delta_{x_{i+1}})` over :math:`f_i`.
If :math:`f` has external variables, the characteristic probability
approximates the differential probability of the input-output difference pair
of the characteristic averaged over the set of all values of the external variables.
>>> from cascada.bitvector.core import Constant
>>> from cascada.bitvector.operation import RotateLeft
>>> from cascada.differential.difference import XorDiff, RXDiff
>>> from cascada.differential.chmodel import ChModel
>>> from cascada.differential.characteristic import Characteristic
>>> from cascada.primitives import speck
>>> Speck32_KS = speck.get_Speck_instance(speck.SpeckInstance.speck_32_64).key_schedule
>>> Speck32_KS.set_num_rounds(2)
>>> xor_ch_model = ChModel(Speck32_KS, XorDiff, ["dmk0", "dmk1", "dmk2"])
>>> zd = core.Constant(0, width=16)
>>> mk0 = RotateLeft(Constant(1, width=16), 5) # mk0 >>> 7 == 0b010···0
>>> rr2 = RotateLeft(Constant(1, width=16), 14) # rr2 == 0b010···0 == d5 == d11 (see ch_model)
>>> xor_ch = Characteristic([mk0, zd, zd], [zd, zd, rr2], [zd, rr2, zd, zd, rr2], xor_ch_model)
>>> xor_ch # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
Characteristic(ch_weight=1, assignment_weights=[0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
input_diff=[0x0020, 0x0000, 0x0000], output_diff=[0x0000, 0x0000, 0x4000],
assign_outdiff_list=[0x0000, 0x4000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x4000])
>>> list(zip(xor_ch.assignment_weights, xor_ch.tuple_assign_outdiff2op_model)) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
[(Decimal('0'), (XorDiff(0x0000), XorModelBvAdd([XorDiff(0x0000), XorDiff(0x0000)]))),
(Decimal('1'), (XorDiff(0x4000), XorModelBvAdd([XorDiff(0x4000), XorDiff(0x0000)]))),
(Decimal('0'), (XorDiff(0x0000), XorModelId(XorDiff(0x0000)))),
(Decimal('0'), (XorDiff(0x0000), XorModelId(XorDiff(0x0000)))),
(Decimal('0'), (XorDiff(0x4000), XorModelId(XorDiff(0x4000))))]
>>> rx_ch_model = ChModel(Speck32_KS, RXDiff, ["dmk0", "dmk1", "dmk2"])
>>> zd = RXDiff(core.Constant(0, width=16))
>>> td = RXDiff(core.Constant(3, width=16))
>>> rx_ch = Characteristic([zd, zd, zd], [zd, zd, td], [zd, zd, zd, zd, td], rx_ch_model)
>>> rx_ch # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
assignment_weights=[1.414993472392016501828616947, 1.414993472392016501828616947, 0, 0, 0],
input_diff=[0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000], output_diff=[0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0003],
assign_outdiff_list=[0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0003])
>>> list(zip(rx_ch.assignment_weights, rx_ch.tuple_assign_outdiff2op_model)) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
[(Decimal('1.414993472392016501828616947'), (RXDiff(0x0000), RXModelBvAdd([RXDiff(0x0000), RXDiff(0x0000)]))),
(Decimal('1.414993472392016501828616947'), (RXDiff(0x0000), RXModelBvAdd([RXDiff(0x0000), RXDiff(0x0000)]))),
(Decimal('0'), (RXDiff(0x0000), RXModelId(RXDiff(0x0000)))),
(Decimal('0'), (RXDiff(0x0000), RXModelId(RXDiff(0x0000)))),
(Decimal('0'), (RXDiff(0x0003), RXModelId(RXDiff(0x0003))))]
input_diff: a list of `Difference` objects containing
the (constant) input difference (alias of
output_diff: a list of `Difference` objects containing
the (constant) output difference (alias of
external_diffs: a list containing the (constant) `Difference` of
the external variables of the function (alias of
tuple_assign_outdiff2op_model: a tuple where each element is a pair
containing: (1) the output (constant) `Difference` :math:`\Delta_{x_{i+1}}`
of the non-trivial assignment :math:`x_{i+1} \leftarrow f_i(x_i)`
and (2) the `differential.opmodel.OpModel` of this assignment with
a (constant) input `Difference` :math:`\Delta_{x_{i}}` (alias of
free_diffs: a list of (symbolic) `Difference` objects of
the `Characteristic.ch_model`, whose values do not affect the
characteristic, and were replaced by constant differences in `input_diff`,
`output_diff`, `external_diffs` or `tuple_assign_outdiff2op_model`
(alias of `abstractproperty.characteristic.Characteristic.free_props`).
var_diff2ct_diff: a `collections.OrderedDict` mapping each
symbolic `Difference` in the trail to its constant difference (alias of
_prop_label = "diff" # for str and vrepr
def input_diff(self):
return self.input_prop
def output_diff(self):
return self.output_prop
def external_diffs(self):
return self.external_props
def tuple_assign_outdiff2op_model(self):
return self.tuple_assign_outprop2op_model
def free_diffs(self):
return self.free_props
def var_diff2ct_diff(self):
return self.var_prop2ct_prop
def __init__(self, input_diff, output_diff, assign_outdiff_list,
ch_model, external_diffs=None, free_diffs=None,
empirical_ch_weight=None, empirical_data_list=None, is_valid=True):
input_prop=input_diff, output_prop=output_diff, assign_outprop_list=assign_outdiff_list,
ch_model=ch_model, external_props=external_diffs, free_props=free_diffs,
empirical_ch_weight=empirical_ch_weight, empirical_data_list=empirical_data_list, is_valid=is_valid
[docs] def vrepr(self, ignore_external_diffs=False):
"""Return an executable string representation.
See also `abstractproperty.characteristic.Characteristic.vrepr`.
>>> from cascada.bitvector.core import Constant
>>> from cascada.bitvector.operation import RotateLeft
>>> from cascada.differential.difference import XorDiff
>>> from cascada.differential.chmodel import ChModel
>>> from cascada.primitives import speck
>>> Speck32_KS = speck.get_Speck_instance(speck.SpeckInstance.speck_32_64).key_schedule
>>> Speck32_KS.set_num_rounds(2)
>>> xor_ch_model = ChModel(Speck32_KS, XorDiff, ["dmk0", "dmk1", "dmk2"])
>>> zd = core.Constant(0, width=16)
>>> mk0 = RotateLeft(Constant(1, width=16), 5)
>>> aux = RotateLeft(Constant(1, width=16), 14)
>>> xor_ch = Characteristic([mk0, zd, zd], [zd, zd, aux], [zd, aux, zd, zd, aux], xor_ch_model)
>>> xor_ch.vrepr() # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
"Characteristic(input_diff=[Constant(0x0020, width=16), Constant(0x0000, width=16), Constant(0x0000, width=16)],
output_diff=[Constant(0x0000, width=16), Constant(0x0000, width=16), Constant(0x4000, width=16)],
assign_outdiff_list=[Constant(0x0000, width=16), Constant(0x4000, width=16),
Constant(0x0000, width=16), Constant(0x0000, width=16), Constant(0x4000, width=16)],
ch_model=ChModel(func=SpeckKeySchedule.set_num_rounds_and_return(2), diff_type=XorDiff,
input_diff_names=['dmk0', 'dmk1', 'dmk2'], prefix='dx'))"
>>> xor_ch.srepr()
'Ch(w=1, id=0020 0000 0000, od=0000 0000 4000)'
# ignore ignore_external_diffs=ignore_external_diffs (parent class might be abstract)
return super().vrepr(ignore_external_diffs)
[docs] def split(self, diff_separators):
"""Split into multiple `Characteristic` objects given the list of difference separators.
See also `abstractproperty.characteristic.Characteristic.split`.
>>> from cascada.bitvector.core import Constant, Variable
>>> from cascada.bitvector.operation import RotateLeft
>>> from cascada.differential.difference import XorDiff
>>> from cascada.differential.chmodel import ChModel
>>> from cascada.differential.characteristic import Characteristic
>>> from cascada.primitives import speck
>>> Speck32_KS = speck.get_Speck_instance(speck.SpeckInstance.speck_32_64).key_schedule
>>> Speck32_KS.set_num_rounds(2)
>>> xor_ch_model = ChModel(Speck32_KS, XorDiff, ["dmk0", "dmk1", "dmk2"])
>>> tuple(xor_ch_model.ssa.assignments.items()) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
((dx0, dmk1 >>> 7), (dx1, dx0 + dmk2), (dx2, dmk2 <<< 2), (dx3, dx2 ^ dx1),
(dx4, dmk0 >>> 7), (dx5, dx4 + dx3), (dx6, dx5 ^ 0x0001), (dx7, dx3 <<< 2), (dx8, dx7 ^ dx6),
(dmk2_out, Id(dmk2)), (dx3_out, Id(dx3)), (dx8_out, Id(dx8)))
>>> diff_separators = [ (XorDiff(Variable("dx2", width=16)), XorDiff(Variable("dx3", width=16))), ]
>>> zd = core.Constant(0, width=16)
>>> mk0 = RotateLeft(Constant(1, width=16), 5) # mk0 >>> 7 == 0b010···0
>>> rr2 = RotateLeft(Constant(1, width=16), 14) # rr2 == 0b010···0 == d5 == d11 (see ch_model)
>>> xor_ch = Characteristic([mk0, zd, zd], [zd, zd, rr2], [zd, rr2, zd, zd, rr2], xor_ch_model)
>>> for ch in xor_ch.split(diff_separators): print(ch) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
Characteristic(ch_weight=0, assignment_weights=[0, 0, 0, 0],
input_diff=[0x0020, 0x0000, 0x0000], output_diff=[0x0020, 0x0000, 0x0000],
assign_outdiff_list=[0x0000, 0x0020, 0x0000, 0x0000])
Characteristic(ch_weight=1, assignment_weights=[1, 0, 0, 0],
input_diff=[0x0020, 0x0000, 0x0000], output_diff=[0x0000, 0x0000, 0x4000],
assign_outdiff_list=[0x4000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x4000])
return super().split(diff_separators)
def _num_right_inputs2weight(num_right_inputs, num_input_samples):
if num_right_inputs == 0:
return math.inf
pr = decimal.Decimal(num_right_inputs) / num_input_samples
weight = - cascada_opmodel.log2_decimal(pr)
assert weight >= 0
return weight
def _get_empirical_ch_weights_C(self, num_input_samples, num_external_samples, seed, num_parallel_processes,
verbose=False, get_sampled_inputs=False):
"""Return a list of empirical weights (one for each ``num_external_samples``)
by compiling and executing C code.
.. Implementation details:
Calling the C function get_num_right_inputs() returns the EW for one
external sample, which is randomly sampled at the beginning
get_num_right_inputs(). Thus, calling num_external_samples-times
get_num_right_inputs() produces the list of empirical weights.
This avoids returning a list in the C code.
The only argument of get_num_right_inputs is the seed.
The differences are hardcoded, and the input samples
are randomly sampled using the hardcoded differences.
PRNG used: http://www.math.sci.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/m-mat/MT/VERSIONS/C-LANG/mt19937-64.c
import uuid
from cascada.bitvector.printing import BvCCodePrinter
assert not (verbose and get_sampled_inputs)
assert 1 <= num_input_samples <= 2 ** sum(d.val.width for d in self.input_diff)
if self.external_diffs:
assert 1 <= num_external_samples <= 2 ** sum(d.val.width for d in self.external_diffs)
assert num_external_samples == 0
if num_input_samples.bit_length() > 64:
raise ValueError("max num_input_samples supported is 2**64 - 1")
width2C_type = BvCCodePrinter._width2C_type
get_and_mask_C_code = BvCCodePrinter._get_and_mask_C_code
ctype_num_right_inputs = width2C_type(num_input_samples.bit_length())
# 1 - Build the C code
header = f"{ctype_num_right_inputs} get_num_right_inputs(uint64_t seed);"
if hasattr(self.ch_model, "_unwrapped_ch_model"):
# avoid gcc error due to huge line statements
ssa = self.ch_model._unwrapped_ch_model.ssa
ssa = self.ch_model.ssa
eval_ssa_code_function_name = "eval_ssa"
_, eval_ssa_code_body = ssa.get_C_code(eval_ssa_code_function_name) # ignore header
from pathlib import Path
mt19937_filename = Path(__file__).parent.resolve() / "mt19937.c"
def rand(my_width):
if my_width == 1:
rand_str = "genrand64_int1"
elif my_width <= 8:
rand_str = "genrand64_int8"
elif my_width <= 16:
rand_str = "genrand64_int16"
elif my_width <= 32:
rand_str = "genrand64_int32"
elif my_width <= 64:
rand_str = "genrand64_int64"
raise ValueError("random bit-vectors with more than 64 bits are not supported")
return f"{rand_str}(){get_and_mask_C_code(var.width)}"
# stdint already in eval_ssa and in mt19937
body = f'#include "{mt19937_filename}"\n{eval_ssa_code_body}'
body += f"\n{ctype_num_right_inputs} get_num_right_inputs(uint64_t seed){{"
to_sample_all_iv = num_input_samples == 2 ** sum(d.val.width for d in self.input_diff)
if self.external_diffs or not to_sample_all_iv:
body += "\n\tinit_genrand64(seed);"
body += f"\n\t{ctype_num_right_inputs} num_right_inputs = 0U;"
# to_sample_all_ev cannot be used since get_num_right_inputs only returns 1 EW
if ssa.external_vars:
ev_other_names = [f"{v.crepr()}_{uuid.uuid4().hex}" for v in ssa.external_vars]
for i in range(len(ssa.external_vars)):
var = ssa.external_vars[i]
body += f"\n\t{width2C_type(var.width)} {var.crepr()} = {rand(var.width)};"
other_var = core.Variable(ev_other_names[i], var.width)
other_val = self.external_diffs[i].get_pair_element(var)
body += f"\n\t{width2C_type(other_var.width)} {other_var.crepr()} = {other_val.crepr()};"
if verbose:
body += f'\n\tprintf("\\nexternal_vars[%u] = (%x, %x)", {i}U, {var.crepr()}, {other_var.crepr()});'
ev_args = ', '.join([v.crepr() for v in ssa.external_vars]) + ", "
ev_other_args = ', '.join(ev_other_names) + ", "
ev_args = ""
ev_other_args = ""
# start for
if not to_sample_all_iv:
body += f"\n\tfor ({ctype_num_right_inputs} i = 0U; i < {num_input_samples}U; ++i) {{"
iv_other_names = [f"{v.crepr()}_{uuid.uuid4().hex}" for v in ssa.input_vars]
for i in range(len(ssa.input_vars)):
var = ssa.input_vars[i]
if to_sample_all_iv:
v = var.crepr()
body += f"\n\t\tfor ({width2C_type(var.width+1)} {v} = 0U; {v} < {2**(var.width)}U; ++{v}) {{"
body += f"\n\t\t{width2C_type(var.width)} {var.crepr()} = {rand(var.width)};"
other_var = core.Variable(iv_other_names[i], var.width)
other_val = self.input_diff[i].get_pair_element(var)
body += f"\n\t\t{width2C_type(other_var.width)} {other_var.crepr()} = {other_val.crepr()};"
if verbose:
body += f'\n\t\tprintf("\\ninput sample i=%u | input_vars[%u] = (%x, %x)", ' \
f'i, {i}U, {var.crepr()}, {other_var.crepr()});'
if get_sampled_inputs:
for i in range(len(ssa.input_vars)):
aux_prefix = "[" if i == 0 else ""
aux_suffix = "]," if i == len(ssa.input_vars) - 1 else ""
body += f'\n\t\tprintf("{aux_prefix}0x%x,{aux_suffix}", {ssa.input_vars[i].crepr()});'
iv_args = ', '.join([v.crepr() for v in ssa.input_vars])
iv_other_args = ', '.join(iv_other_names)
ov_other_names = [f"{v.crepr()}_{uuid.uuid4().hex}" for v in ssa.output_vars]
for i in range(len(ssa.output_vars)):
var = ssa.output_vars[i]
other_var = core.Variable(ov_other_names[i], var.width)
# var passed by reference later (no need to declare them as pointers)
body += f"\n\t\t{width2C_type(var.width)} {var.crepr()}, {other_var.crepr()};"
ov_args = ', '.join(["&" + v.crepr() for v in ssa.output_vars])
ov_other_args = ', '.join(["&" + name for name in ov_other_names])
body += f"\n\t\t{eval_ssa_code_function_name}({iv_args}, {ev_args}{ov_args});"
body += f"\n\t\t{eval_ssa_code_function_name}({iv_other_args}, {ev_other_args}{ov_other_args});"
if_conditions = []
for i in range(len(ssa.output_vars)):
var = ssa.output_vars[i]
other_var = core.Variable(ov_other_names[i], var.width)
current_d = self.ch_model.diff_type.from_pair(var, other_var).val
expected_d = self.output_diff[i].val
# casting current_d is necessary for the comparison
if_conditions.append(f"( ({width2C_type(current_d.width)})({current_d.crepr()}) == {expected_d.crepr()} )")
if verbose:
body += f'\n\t\tprintf("\\n | output_vars[%u] = (%x, %x)", ' \
f'{i}U, {var.crepr()}, {other_var.crepr()});'
body += f'\n\t\tprintf("\\n | current_expected[%u] = (%x, %x)", ' \
f'{i}U, {current_d.crepr()}, {expected_d.crepr()});'
body += f"\n\t\tif ( {' && '.join(if_conditions)} ){{"
body += "\n\t\t\tnum_right_inputs += 1U;"
body += "\n\t\t}"
if to_sample_all_iv:
body += "\n\t\t" + "}"*len(ssa.input_vars)
body += "\n\t}"
# end for
if verbose:
body += f'\n\tprintf("\\nnum_right_inputs = %u\\n", num_right_inputs);'
body += "\n\treturn num_right_inputs;\n}"
# 2 - Run the C code
if num_parallel_processes is None or num_external_samples <= 1:
pymod, tmpdir = cascada_ssa._compile_C_code(header, body, verbose=verbose)
PRNG = random.Random()
aux_empirical_weights = []
for _ in range(max(1, num_external_samples)): # num_external_samples can be 0
num_right_inputs = pymod.lib.get_num_right_inputs(PRNG.randrange(0, 2**64))
self._num_right_inputs2weight(num_right_inputs, num_input_samples)
lib_path, module_name, tmpdir = cascada_ssa._compile_C_code(header, body, return_unloaded=True, verbose=verbose)
num_parallel_processes = min(num_parallel_processes, num_external_samples)
PRNG = random.Random()
external_seeds = [PRNG.randrange(0, 2**64) for _ in range(num_external_samples)]
chunk = num_external_samples // num_parallel_processes
if num_external_samples % num_parallel_processes == 0:
extra_chunk = 0
extra_chunk = num_external_samples % num_parallel_processes
assert chunk*(num_parallel_processes-1) + chunk + extra_chunk == num_external_samples
aux_empirical_weights = []
with multiprocessing.Pool(num_parallel_processes) as pool:
async_results = [None for _ in range(num_parallel_processes)]
for ar_index in range(len(async_results)):
async_results[ar_index] = pool.apply_async(
chunk+extra_chunk if ar_index == len(async_results) - 1 else chunk
pool.join() # blocking call
for ar_index in range(len(async_results)):
# type(process_list[process_index]) == AsyncResult
# and AsyncResult.get() blocks until result obtained
list_num_right_inputs = async_results[ar_index].get()
[self._num_right_inputs2weight(nri, num_input_samples) for nri in list_num_right_inputs]
assert len(aux_empirical_weights) == num_external_samples
return aux_empirical_weights
def _get_empirical_ch_weights_Python(self, num_input_samples, num_external_samples, seed, list_input_samples=None):
"""Return a list of empirical weights (one for each ``num_external_samples``)."""
assert 1 <= num_input_samples <= 2 ** sum(d.val.width for d in self.input_diff)
if self.external_diffs:
assert 1 <= num_external_samples <= 2 ** sum(d.val.width for d in self.external_diffs)
assert num_external_samples == 0
PRNG = random.Random()
def get_random_bv(width):
return core.Constant(PRNG.randrange(2 ** width), width)
aux_empirical_weights = []
with context.Simplification(False), context.Cache(False):
input_widths = [d.val.width for d in self.input_diff]
if list_input_samples is not None:
assert len(list_input_samples) == num_input_samples
def get_next_input_pair():
for pt in list_input_samples:
assert len(self.input_diff) == len(pt)
other_pt = []
for aux_i, diff in enumerate(self.input_diff):
pt[aux_i] = core.Constant(pt[aux_i], diff.val.width)
yield pt, other_pt
elif num_input_samples == 2 ** sum(input_widths):
# input_samples == whole input space
def get_next_input_pair():
for input_sample in itertools.product(*[range(2**w) for w in input_widths]):
pt = [core.Constant(p_i, w) for p_i, w in zip(input_sample, input_widths)]
other_pt = [diff.get_pair_element(pt[i]) for i, diff in enumerate(self.input_diff)]
yield pt, other_pt
def get_next_input_pair():
for _ in range(num_input_samples):
pt = []
other_pt = []
for diff in self.input_diff:
random_bv = get_random_bv(diff.val.width)
yield pt, other_pt
found_external_vars = len(self.external_diffs) > 0
if found_external_vars:
external_widths = [d.val.width for d in self.external_diffs]
if num_external_samples == 2 ** sum(external_widths):
# external_samples == whole external space
external_space = itertools.product(*[range(2**w) for w in external_widths])
external_space = range(num_external_samples) # num_external_samples > 0
def get_next_ssa_pair_external_fixed():
for external_sample in external_space:
ssa = self.ch_model.ssa.copy()
v2c = collections.OrderedDict()
if isinstance(external_sample, int):
for v in ssa.external_vars:
v2c[v] = get_random_bv(v.width)
for i_v, v in enumerate(ssa.external_vars):
v2c[v] = core.Constant(external_sample[i_v], external_widths[i_v])
for outvar in ssa.assignments:
ssa.assignments[outvar] = ssa.assignments[outvar].xreplace(v2c)
ssa.external_vars = []
if all(d.val == 0 for d in self.external_diffs) and \
self.ch_model.diff_type == difference.XorDiff:
other_ssa = ssa
# RXDiff 0-difference does not mean ssa == other_ssa
other_ssa = self.ch_model.ssa.copy()
other_v2c = collections.OrderedDict()
for i, (v, c) in enumerate(v2c.items()):
other_v2c[v] = self.external_diffs[i].get_pair_element(v2c[v])
for outvar in other_ssa.assignments:
other_ssa.assignments[outvar] = other_ssa.assignments[outvar].xreplace(other_v2c)
other_ssa.external_vars = []
# print("# new external samples")
# print("v2c:", v2c)
# print("other_v2c:", other_v2c) # might throw error
# print("external_diffs:", self.external_diffs)
# print("base ssa:", self.ch_model.ssa)
# print("ssa:", ssa)
# print("other_ssa:", other_ssa) # might throw error
yield ssa, other_ssa
gen_next_ssa_pair_external_fixed = get_next_ssa_pair_external_fixed()
for _ in range(max(1, num_external_samples)): # num_external_samples can be 0
num_right_inputs = 0
if found_external_vars:
ssa, other_ssa = next(gen_next_ssa_pair_external_fixed)
# print("> ssa:", ssa)
# print("> other_ssa:", other_ssa)
for pt, other_pt in get_next_input_pair():
if not found_external_vars: # func() faster than SSA.eval()
ct, other_ct = self.ch_model.func(*pt), self.ch_model.func(*other_pt)
except ValueError as e:
if str(e).startswith("expected a tuple of Constant values returned"):
# func might return redundant symbolic outputs (e.g., k ^ k = 0)
ct, other_ct = self.ch_model.ssa.eval(pt), self.ch_model.ssa.eval(other_pt)
raise e
ct, other_ct = ssa.eval(pt), other_ssa.eval(other_pt)
for x in itertools.chain(ct, other_ct):
if not isinstance(x, core.Constant):
raise ValueError(f"found symbolic output in ct={ct} or other_ct={other_ct}")
# print("pt, other_pt:", pt, "\t", other_pt)
# print("ct, other_ct:", ct, "\t", other_ct)
# print("expect diff:", self.output_diff)
# print("diff found :", [self.ch_model.diff_type.from_pair(ct[i], other_ct[i]) for i in range(len(ct))])
# print()
for i, diff in enumerate(self.output_diff):
if self.ch_model.diff_type.from_pair(ct[i], other_ct[i]) != diff:
num_right_inputs += 1
self._num_right_inputs2weight(num_right_inputs, num_input_samples)
return aux_empirical_weights
def _get_empirical_data_complexity(self, num_input_samples, num_external_samples):
if num_input_samples is None:
# data complexity = small_ct * p^(-1), p == ch. probability
# w = -log2(p) = log2(p^(-1)) ==> 2**w = p^(-1)
p = 2 ** (self.ch_weight + self.ch_model.error())
# small_ct == number of input bits
small_ct = sum(d.val.width for d in self.ch_model.input_diff)
num_input_samples = int(math.ceil(small_ct * p))
num_input_samples = max(
1, min(num_input_samples, 2**sum(d.val.width for d in self.ch_model.input_diff)))
if not self.external_diffs:
num_external_samples = 0
if num_external_samples is None:
# an external sample for each external bit
num_external_samples = sum([d.width for d in self.ch_model.external_var2diff])
num_external_samples = max(
1, min(num_external_samples, 2 ** sum(d.width for d in self.ch_model.external_var2diff)))
return num_input_samples, num_external_samples
[docs] def compute_empirical_ch_weight(self, num_input_samples=None, num_external_samples=None,
split_by_max_weight=None, split_by_rounds=False,
seed=None, C_code=False, num_parallel_processes=None):
"""Compute and store the empirical weight.
The main description of this method can be read from
simply by replacing `Property` by `Difference` and
input-output pair by differential.
The basic subroutine in this case consists of computing the
fraction of right pairs for ``num_input_samples`` sampled input pairs.
An input pair with difference `input_diff` is a right pair
if `output_diff` is the difference of the output pair obtained
from evaluating the input pair through the underlying bit-vector function.
>>> from cascada.bitvector.core import Constant
>>> from cascada.bitvector.operation import RotateLeft
>>> from cascada.differential.difference import RXDiff
>>> from cascada.differential.chmodel import ChModel
>>> from cascada.differential.characteristic import Characteristic
>>> from cascada.primitives import speck
>>> Speck32_KS = speck.get_Speck_instance(speck.SpeckInstance.speck_32_64).key_schedule
>>> Speck32_KS.set_num_rounds(2)
>>> rx_ch_model = ChModel(Speck32_KS, RXDiff, ["dmk0", "dmk1", "dmk2"])
>>> zd = RXDiff(core.Constant(0, width=16))
>>> td = RXDiff(core.Constant(3, width=16))
>>> rx_ch = Characteristic([zd, zd, zd], [zd, zd, td], [zd, zd, zd, zd, td], rx_ch_model)
>>> rx_ch.compute_empirical_ch_weight(seed=0)
>>> rx_ch.empirical_ch_weight
>>> for data in rx_ch.empirical_data_list: print(data) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
num_aux_weights=1, num_inf_aux_weights=0, num_input_samples=1466, seed=0, C_code=False)
>>> rx_ch.compute_empirical_ch_weight(seed=0, C_code=True)
>>> rx_ch.empirical_ch_weight
>>> rx_ch.compute_empirical_ch_weight(split_by_max_weight=1.5, seed=0)
>>> rx_ch.empirical_ch_weight
>>> for data in rx_ch.empirical_data_list: print(data) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
num_aux_weights=1, num_inf_aux_weights=0, num_input_samples=266, seed=0, C_code=False)
num_aux_weights=1, num_inf_aux_weights=0, num_input_samples=266, seed=0, C_code=False)
num_input_samples=num_input_samples, num_external_samples=num_external_samples,
split_by_max_weight=split_by_max_weight, split_by_rounds=split_by_rounds,
seed=seed, C_code=C_code, num_parallel_processes=num_parallel_processes)
[docs] @classmethod
def random(cls, ch_model, seed, external_diffs=None):
"""Return a random `Characteristic` with given `differential.chmodel.ChModel`.
See also `abstractproperty.characteristic.Characteristic.random`.
>>> from cascada.differential.difference import XorDiff
>>> from cascada.differential.chmodel import ChModel
>>> from cascada.differential.characteristic import Characteristic
>>> from cascada.primitives import speck
>>> Speck32_KS = speck.get_Speck_instance(speck.SpeckInstance.speck_32_64).key_schedule
>>> Speck32_KS.set_num_rounds(2)
>>> xor_ch_model = ChModel(Speck32_KS, XorDiff, ["dmk0", "dmk1", "dmk2"])
>>> Characteristic.random(xor_ch_model, 0) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
Characteristic(ch_weight=25, assignment_weights=[13, 12, 0, 0, 0],
input_diff=[0xc53e, 0xd755, 0x14ba], output_diff=[0x14ba, 0xa6ec, 0x2ce0],
assign_outdiff_list=[0xf404, 0xb752, 0x14ba, 0xa6ec, 0x2ce0])
return super().random(ch_model, seed, external_diffs)
[docs]class EncryptionCharacteristic(abstractproperty.characteristic.EncryptionCharacteristic, Characteristic):
"""Represent differential characteristics over encryption functions.
Given a `Cipher`, an `EncryptionCharacteristic` is an XOR
differential characteristic (see `Characteristic`) over
the `Cipher.encryption` in the single-key setting
(where the `Cipher.key_schedule` is ignored and round key differences
are set to zero).
.. note::
`EncryptionCharacteristic` only supports `XorDiff`
(see `differential.chmodel.EncryptionChModel`).
The propagation probability of an `EncryptionCharacteristic` is also
called in the literature the expected differential probability (EDP)
of a characteristic (see https://eprint.iacr.org/2005/212).
>>> from cascada.bitvector.core import Constant
>>> from cascada.bitvector.operation import RotateRight, RotateLeft
>>> from cascada.differential.difference import XorDiff
>>> from cascada.differential.chmodel import EncryptionChModel
>>> from cascada.differential.characteristic import EncryptionCharacteristic
>>> from cascada.primitives import speck
>>> Speck32 = speck.get_Speck_instance(speck.SpeckInstance.speck_32_64)
>>> Speck32.set_num_rounds(2)
>>> ch_model = EncryptionChModel(Speck32, XorDiff)
>>> zd = core.Constant(0, width=16)
>>> rr1 = RotateRight(Constant(1, width=16), 1) # rr1 == 0b100···0
>>> rr2 = RotateRight(Constant(1, width=16), 2) # rr2 == 0b010···0
>>> dp0 = RotateLeft(rr1, 7) # dp0 >>> 7 == rr1
>>> dp1 = rr1
>>> dx6 = Constant(0x0002, width=16)
>>> dx11 = Constant(0x000a, width=16)
>>> ch = EncryptionCharacteristic([dp0, dp1], [dx6, dx11], [zd, dx6, dx6, dx11], ch_model)
>>> ch # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
EncryptionCharacteristic(ch_weight=1, assignment_weights=[0, 1, 0, 0],
input_diff=[0x0040, 0x8000], output_diff=[0x0002, 0x000a], external_diffs=[0x0000, 0x0000],
assign_outdiff_list=[0x0000, 0x0002, 0x0002, 0x000a])
>>> list(zip(ch.assignment_weights, ch.tuple_assign_outdiff2op_model)) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
[(Decimal('0'), (XorDiff(0x0000), XorModelBvAdd([XorDiff(0x8000), XorDiff(0x8000)]))),
(Decimal('1'), (XorDiff(0x0002), XorModelBvAdd([XorDiff(0x0000), XorDiff(0x0002)]))),
(Decimal('0'), (XorDiff(0x0002), XorModelId(XorDiff(0x0002)))),
(Decimal('0'), (XorDiff(0x000a), XorModelId(XorDiff(0x000a))))]
.. Implementation details:
__init__ contains the argument ``external_diffs`` to match the signature
of `abstractproperty.characteristic.EncryptionCharacteristic`, but
the round key differences are always set to zero.
def __init__(self, input_diff, output_diff, assign_outdiff_list, ch_model, external_diffs=None,
free_diffs=None, empirical_ch_weight=None, empirical_data_list=None, is_valid=True):
assert isinstance(ch_model, cascada_chmodel.EncryptionChModel)
assert all(d.val == 0 for d in ch_model.external_var2diff.values())
assert ch_model.diff_type == difference.XorDiff
assert external_diffs is None or \
(all(d.val == 0 for d in external_diffs) and
len(external_diffs) == len(ch_model.external_var2diff))
external_diffs = tuple(ch_model.external_var2diff.values())
input_diff, output_diff, assign_outdiff_list, ch_model, external_props=external_diffs, free_props=free_diffs,
empirical_ch_weight=empirical_ch_weight, empirical_data_list=empirical_data_list, is_valid=is_valid)
[docs] @classmethod
def random(cls, ch_model, seed):
"""Return a random `EncryptionCharacteristic` with given `differential.chmodel.EncryptionChModel`.
The round key differences are set to zero.
See also `abstractproperty.characteristic.EncryptionCharacteristic.random`.
>>> from cascada.differential.difference import XorDiff
>>> from cascada.differential.chmodel import EncryptionChModel
>>> from cascada.differential.characteristic import EncryptionCharacteristic
>>> from cascada.primitives import speck
>>> Speck32 = speck.get_Speck_instance(speck.SpeckInstance.speck_32_64)
>>> Speck32.set_num_rounds(2)
>>> ch_model = EncryptionChModel(Speck32, XorDiff)
>>> EncryptionCharacteristic.random(ch_model, 0) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
EncryptionCharacteristic(ch_weight=24, assignment_weights=[13, 11, 0, 0],
input_diff=[0xc53e, 0xd755], output_diff=[0xf43a, 0xc051], external_diffs=[0x0000, 0x0000],
assign_outdiff_list=[0x904d, 0xf43a, 0xf43a, 0xc051])
return super().random(ch_model, seed)
[docs]class CipherCharacteristic(abstractproperty.characteristic.CipherCharacteristic):
"""Represent related-key differential characteristics over ciphers.
A `CipherCharacteristic` is a related-key differential characteristic of a
block cipher, given by one `Characteristic` over the `Cipher.key_schedule`
and another `Characteristic` over the `Cipher.encryption`.
The related-key setting means that the round key differences in the encryption
characteristic (the differences of the external variables of the encryption `SSA`)
are set to the output differences of the key-schedule characteristic.
>>> from cascada.bitvector.core import Constant
>>> from cascada.bitvector.operation import RotateRight, RotateLeft
>>> from cascada.differential.difference import XorDiff, RXDiff
>>> from cascada.differential.chmodel import CipherChModel
>>> from cascada.differential.characteristic import CipherCharacteristic
>>> from cascada.primitives import speck
>>> Speck32 = speck.get_Speck_instance(speck.SpeckInstance.speck_32_64)
>>> Speck32.set_num_rounds(2)
>>> xor_ch_model = CipherChModel(Speck32, XorDiff)
>>> zd = core.Constant(0, width=16)
>>> rr1 = RotateRight(Constant(1, width=16), 1) # rr1 == 0b100···0
>>> rr2 = RotateRight(Constant(1, width=16), 2) # rr2 == 0b010···0
>>> mk0 = RotateLeft(Constant(1, width=16), 5) # mk0 >>> 7 == 0b010···0
>>> dp0 = RotateLeft(rr1, 7) # dp0 >>> 7 == rr1
>>> dp1 = rr1
>>> dx6 = Constant(0x0002, width=16)
>>> dx11 = Constant(0x000a, width=16)
>>> ch = CipherCharacteristic(
... [mk0, zd], [zd, rr2], [rr2, zd, rr2],
... [dp0, dp1], [dx6^rr2, dx11^rr2], [zd, dx6, dx6^rr2, dx11^rr2], xor_ch_model)
>>> ch # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
assignment_weights=[1, 0, 0],
input_diff=[0x0020, 0x0000], output_diff=[0x0000, 0x4000],
assign_outdiff_list=[0x4000, 0x0000, 0x4000]),
assignment_weights=[0, 1, 0, 0],
input_diff=[0x0040, 0x8000], output_diff=[0x4002, 0x400a], external_diffs=[0x0000, 0x4000],
assign_outdiff_list=[0x0000, 0x0002, 0x4002, 0x400a]))
>>> ks_ch, enc_ch = ch.ks_characteristic, ch.enc_characteristic
>>> list(zip(ks_ch.assignment_weights, ks_ch.tuple_assign_outdiff2op_model)) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
[(Decimal('1'), (XorDiff(0x4000), XorModelBvAdd([XorDiff(0x4000), XorDiff(0x0000)]))),
(Decimal('0'), (XorDiff(0x0000), XorModelId(XorDiff(0x0000)))),
(Decimal('0'), (XorDiff(0x4000), XorModelId(XorDiff(0x4000))))]
>>> list(zip(enc_ch.assignment_weights, enc_ch.tuple_assign_outdiff2op_model)) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
[(Decimal('0'), (XorDiff(0x0000), XorModelBvAdd([XorDiff(0x8000), XorDiff(0x8000)]))),
(Decimal('1'), (XorDiff(0x0002), XorModelBvAdd([XorDiff(0x0000), XorDiff(0x0002)]))),
(Decimal('0'), (XorDiff(0x4002), XorModelId(XorDiff(0x4002)))),
(Decimal('0'), (XorDiff(0x400a), XorModelId(XorDiff(0x400a))))]
>>> cipher_ch_model = CipherChModel(Speck32, RXDiff)
>>> zd = RXDiff(core.Constant(0, width=16))
>>> ch = CipherCharacteristic(
... [zd, zd], [zd, zd], [zd, zd, zd],
... [zd, zd], [zd, zd], [zd, zd, zd, zd], cipher_ch_model)
>>> ch # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
assignment_weights=[1.414993472392016501828616947, 0, 0],
input_diff=[0x0000, 0x0000], output_diff=[0x0000, 0x0000],
assign_outdiff_list=[0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000]),
assignment_weights=[1.414993472392016501828616947, 1.414993472392016501828616947, 0, 0],
input_diff=[0x0000, 0x0000], output_diff=[0x0000, 0x0000], external_diffs=[0x0000, 0x0000],
assign_outdiff_list=[0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000]))
>>> ch.srepr() # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
'Ch(ks_ch=Ch(w=1.415, id=0000 0000, od=0000 0000), enc_ch=Ch(w=2.830, id=0000 0000, od=0000 0000))'
_Characteristic_cls = Characteristic
def __init__(
self, ks_input_diff, ks_output_diff, ks_assign_outdiff_list,
enc_input_diff, enc_output_diff, enc_assign_outdiff_list,
cipher_ch_model, ks_free_diffs=None, enc_free_diffs=None,
ks_empirical_ch_weight=None, ks_empirical_data_list=None,
enc_empirical_ch_weight=None, enc_empirical_data_list=None,
ks_is_valid=True, enc_is_valid=True
# avoid *_props=*_props (super might not abstract)
ks_input_diff, ks_output_diff, ks_assign_outdiff_list,
enc_input_diff, enc_output_diff, enc_assign_outdiff_list,
cipher_ch_model, ks_free_diffs, enc_free_diffs,
ks_empirical_ch_weight=ks_empirical_ch_weight, ks_empirical_data_list=ks_empirical_data_list,
enc_empirical_ch_weight=enc_empirical_ch_weight, enc_empirical_data_list=enc_empirical_data_list,
ks_is_valid=ks_is_valid, enc_is_valid=enc_is_valid
[docs] def vrepr(self):
"""Return an executable string representation.
See also `abstractproperty.characteristic.CipherCharacteristic.vrepr`.
>>> from cascada.bitvector.core import Constant
>>> from cascada.bitvector.operation import RotateRight, RotateLeft
>>> from cascada.differential.difference import XorDiff
>>> from cascada.differential.chmodel import CipherChModel
>>> from cascada.differential.characteristic import CipherCharacteristic
>>> from cascada.primitives import speck
>>> Speck32 = speck.get_Speck_instance(speck.SpeckInstance.speck_32_64)
>>> Speck32.set_num_rounds(2)
>>> xor_ch_model = CipherChModel(Speck32, XorDiff)
>>> zd = core.Constant(0, width=16)
>>> rr1 = RotateRight(Constant(1, width=16), 1) # rr1 == 0b100···0
>>> rr2 = RotateRight(Constant(1, width=16), 2) # rr2 == 0b010···0
>>> mk0 = RotateLeft(Constant(1, width=16), 5) # mk0 >>> 7 == 0b010···0
>>> dp0 = RotateLeft(rr1, 7) # dp0 >>> 7 == rr1
>>> dp1 = rr1
>>> dx6 = Constant(0x0002, width=16)
>>> dx11 = Constant(0x000a, width=16)
>>> ch = CipherCharacteristic(
... [mk0, zd], [zd, rr2], [rr2, zd, rr2],
... [dp0, dp1], [dx6^rr2, dx11^rr2], [zd, dx6, dx6^rr2, dx11^rr2], xor_ch_model)
>>> ch.vrepr() # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
'CipherCharacteristic(ks_input_diff=[Constant(0x0020, width=16), Constant(0x0000, width=16)],
ks_output_diff=[Constant(0x0000, width=16), Constant(0x4000, width=16)],
ks_assign_outdiff_list=[Constant(0x4000, width=16), Constant(0x0000, width=16), Constant(0x4000, width=16)],
enc_input_diff=[Constant(0x0040, width=16), Constant(0x8000, width=16)],
enc_output_diff=[Constant(0x4002, width=16), Constant(0x400a, width=16)],
enc_assign_outdiff_list=[Constant(0x0000, width=16), Constant(0x0002, width=16),
Constant(0x4002, width=16), Constant(0x400a, width=16)],
cipher_ch_model=CipherChModel(cipher=SpeckCipher.set_num_rounds_and_return(2), diff_type=XorDiff))'
>>> ch.srepr()
'Ch(ks_ch=Ch(w=1, id=0020 0000, od=0000 4000), enc_ch=Ch(w=1, id=0040 8000, od=4002 400a))'
return super().vrepr()
[docs] @classmethod
def random(cls, cipher_ch_model, seed):
"""Return a random `CipherCharacteristic` with given `differential.chmodel.CipherChModel`.
See also `abstractproperty.characteristic.CipherCharacteristic.random`.
>>> from cascada.differential.difference import XorDiff
>>> from cascada.differential.chmodel import CipherChModel
>>> from cascada.differential.characteristic import CipherCharacteristic
>>> from cascada.primitives import speck
>>> Speck32 = speck.get_Speck_instance(speck.SpeckInstance.speck_32_64)
>>> Speck32.set_num_rounds(2)
>>> xor_ch_model = CipherChModel(Speck32, XorDiff)
>>> CipherCharacteristic.random(xor_ch_model, 0) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
assignment_weights=[13, 0, 0],
input_diff=[0xc53e, 0xd755], output_diff=[0xd755, 0xcd1a],
assign_outdiff_list=[0x904d, 0xd755, 0xcd1a]),
assignment_weights=[11, 13, 0, 0],
input_diff=[0xfff4, 0xaa87],
output_diff=[0x4523, 0xb896],
external_diffs=[0xd755, 0xcd1a],
assign_outdiff_list=[0x0226, 0x8839, 0x4523, 0xb896]))
return super().random(cipher_ch_model, seed)
def _run_C_code_get_num_right_inputs(my_seed, my_module_name, my_lib_path, my_num_external_samples):
from importlib import util as my_importlib_util
from random import Random as my_Random
my_spec = my_importlib_util.spec_from_file_location(my_module_name, my_lib_path)
my_pymod = my_importlib_util.module_from_spec(my_spec)
my_PRNG = my_Random()
list_my_num_right_inputs = []
for _ in range(my_num_external_samples):
# get_num_right_inputs hardcoded
my_num_right_inputs = my_pymod.lib.get_num_right_inputs(my_PRNG.randrange(0, 2 ** 64))
return list_my_num_right_inputs