"""Represent type of value properties.
.. autosummary::
import functools
import warnings
from cascada.bitvector import core
from cascada.bitvector import operation
from cascada.bitvector import secondaryop
from cascada.bitvector import ssa as cascada_ssa
from cascada import abstractproperty
zip = functools.partial(zip, strict=True)
[docs]class Value(abstractproperty.property.Property):
"""Represent value properties.
Given a function :math:`f`, a `Value` property pair
:math:`(\\alpha, \\beta)` is a bit-vector `Property` :math:`(\\alpha, \\beta)`
where the propagation probability
is simply 1 if :math:`\\beta = f(\\alpha)` otherwise 0, that is,
the propagation probability is 0 or 1 depending on whether
the output value is the image of the input value through :math:`f`.
This class is not meant to be instantiated but to provide a base
class for the different representations of the value of a bit-vector
(see `BitValue` or `WordValue`).
Internally, `Value` is a subclass of `Property` (as `Difference`).
The `Value` methods inherited from `Property` requiring
arguments of type `Property` should be called instead with arguments
of type `Value`.
[docs] def get_value(self):
"""Return the value of the underlying bit-vector.
Subclasses of `Value` can represent the underlying bit-vector
in different ways and return its value in different ways
(i.e., not only as ``self.val``).
raise NotImplementedError("subclasses need to override this method")
[docs]class WordValue(Value):
"""Represent word value properties.
The word value is a `Value` property where the underlying bit-vector
value of the property is given as is (i.e., as a bit-vector `Term`).
>>> from cascada.bitvector.core import Constant, Variable
>>> from cascada.algebraic.value import WordValue
>>> alpha = WordValue(Constant(0b001, 3))
>>> alpha, alpha.val
(WordValue(0b001), 0b001)
>>> alpha.get_value()
>>> alpha = WordValue(Variable("alpha", 3))
>>> alpha, alpha.val
(WordValue(alpha), alpha)
[docs] def get_value(self):
"""Return the value of the underlying bit-vector as ``self.val``."""
return self.val
[docs] @classmethod
def propagate(cls, op, input_val):
"""Propagate the given input `WordValue` through the given operation.
For any operation ``op`` and any
input value ``input_val``, the output value ``output_val``
is uniquely determined and its bit-vector value is ``f(input_val)``.
See `Property.propagate` for more information.
User-defined or new `Operation` ``op`` can store its associated
`WordValue` `algebraic.opmodel.OpModel` in ``op.word_model``,
as this method first checks whether ``op`` has its associated
`algebraic.opmodel.OpModel` stored in the class attribute ``word_model``.
>>> from cascada.bitvector.core import Variable, Constant
>>> from cascada.bitvector.operation import BvXor, BvIdentity
>>> from cascada.algebraic.value import WordValue
>>> d1, d2 = WordValue(Variable("d1", 8)), WordValue(Constant(1, 8))
>>> WordValue.propagate(BvXor, [d1, d2])
WordValue(d1 ^ 0x01)
>>> WordValue.propagate(BvIdentity, d1)
input_val = abstractproperty.property._tuplify(input_val)
assert len(input_val) == sum(op.arity)
msg = "invalid arguments: op={}, input_val={}".format(
[d.vrepr() if isinstance(d, core.Term) else d for d in input_val])
if not all(isinstance(d, cls) for d in input_val):
raise ValueError(msg)
if hasattr(op, "_trivial_propagation"):
return cls(op(*[p.val for p in input_val]))
if hasattr(op, "word_model"):
return op.word_model(input_val)
if op == cascada_ssa.SSAReturn:
if isinstance(input_val[0].val, core.Constant):
warnings.warn("constant propagation of output wordval in "
f"{cls.__name__}.propagate(op={op.__name__}, "
from cascada.algebraic import opmodel
return opmodel.WordModelId(input_val)
if op == operation.BvIdentity:
if isinstance(input_val[0].val, core.Constant):
return input_val[0]
from cascada.algebraic import opmodel
return opmodel.WordModelId(input_val)
return cls(op(*[x.val for x in input_val]))
[docs]class BitValue(Value):
"""Represent bit value properties.
The bit value is a `Value` property where the underlying bit-vector
value of the property is given as the list of its bits
(starting from the least significant bit (LSB) and ending in the MSB).
>>> from cascada.bitvector.core import Constant, Variable
>>> from cascada.algebraic.value import BitValue
>>> alpha = BitValue(Constant(0b001, 3))
>>> alpha, alpha.val
(BitValue(0b001), 0b001)
>>> alpha.get_value()
(0b1, 0b0, 0b0)
>>> alpha = BitValue(Variable("alpha", 3))
>>> alpha, alpha.val
(BitValue(alpha), alpha)
>>> alpha.get_value()
(alpha[0], alpha[1], alpha[2])
[docs] def get_value(self):
"""Return the value of the underling bit-vector as the
list of its bits."""
return tuple(self.val[i] for i in range(self.val.width))
[docs] @classmethod
def propagate(cls, op, input_val):
"""Propagate the given input `BitValue` through the given operation.
For any operation ``op`` and any
input value ``input_val``, the output value
is uniquely determined and its bit-vector value is ``f(input_val)``.
For some operations, the output value is given implicitly
through a system of binary equations or constraints
(see `BitModelBvAdd`). For these operations,
this method return an `algebraic.opmodel.OpModel`.
See `Property.propagate` for more information.
User-defined or new `Operation` ``op`` can store its associated
`BitValue` `algebraic.opmodel.OpModel` in ``op.bit_model``, as this method
first checks whether ``op`` has its associated `algebraic.opmodel.OpModel`
stored in the class attribute ``bit_model``.
>>> from cascada.bitvector.core import Variable, Constant
>>> from cascada.bitvector.operation import BvXor, Concat, BvIdentity
>>> from cascada.algebraic.value import BitValue
>>> d1, d2 = BitValue(Variable("d1", 2)), BitValue(Constant(1, 2))
>>> BitValue.propagate(BvXor, [d1, d2])
BitValue((d1[1]) :: ~(d1[0]))
>>> d1, d2 = BitValue(Variable("d1", 2)), BitValue(Variable("d2", 2))
>>> BitValue.propagate(Concat, [d1, d2])
BitValue(d1 :: (d2[1]) :: (d2[0]))
>>> BitValue.propagate(BvIdentity, d1)
BitValue(Id(d1[1]) :: Id(d1[0]))
input_val = abstractproperty.property._tuplify(input_val)
assert len(input_val) == sum(op.arity)
msg = "invalid arguments: op={}, input_val={}".format(
[d.vrepr() if isinstance(d, core.Term) else d for d in input_val])
if not all(isinstance(d, cls) for d in input_val):
raise ValueError(msg)
if hasattr(op, "_trivial_propagation"):
return cls(op(*[p.val for p in input_val]))
if hasattr(op, "bit_model"):
return op.bit_model(input_val)
# f(x, y) is bitwise if f(x, y) == f(x0, y0) || ... || f(xn-1, yn-1)
bitwise_ops = [
operation.BvNot, operation.BvIdentity, # unary
operation.BvAnd, operation.BvOr, operation.BvXor,
secondaryop.BvMaj, secondaryop.BvIf
if op in bitwise_ops:
# l = list of 1-bit inputs
out_bitlist = [op(*l) for l in zip(*[x.get_value() for x in input_val])]
return cls(functools.reduce(operation.Concat, reversed(out_bitlist))) # back to single BV
if op == operation.BvAdd:
from cascada.algebraic import opmodel
return opmodel.BitModelBvAdd(input_val)
if op == operation.BvSub:
from cascada.algebraic import opmodel
return opmodel.BitModelBvSub(input_val)
if op == operation.BvNeg:
from cascada.algebraic import opmodel
zero_val = BitValue(core.Constant(0, input_val[0].val.width))
return opmodel.BitModelBvSub([zero_val, input_val[0]])
if op == operation.Concat:
in_bitlist = list(reversed(input_val[0].get_value()))
in_bitlist += list(reversed(input_val[1].get_value()))
return cls(functools.reduce(operation.Concat, in_bitlist))
if op == cascada_ssa.SSAReturn:
if isinstance(input_val[0].val, core.Constant):
warnings.warn("constant propagation of output bitval in "
f"{cls.__name__}.propagate(op={op.__name__}, "
from cascada.algebraic import opmodel
return opmodel.BitModelId(input_val)
if op == operation.BvIdentity:
if isinstance(input_val[0].val, core.Constant):
return input_val[0]
from cascada.algebraic import opmodel
return opmodel.BitModelId(input_val)
if issubclass(op, operation.PartialOperation):
if op.base_op in [operation.RotateLeft, operation.RotateRight]:
if op.fixed_args[0] is None and op.fixed_args[1] is not None:
x, r = input_val[0].get_value(), op.fixed_args[1]
if r % len(x) == 0:
return input_val[0]
if op.base_op == operation.RotateLeft:
# xn-1, xn-2, ..., x1, x0
# rl(x, 2) = xn-3, ...., x1, x0, xn-1, xn-2
# reversed(·) = xn-2, xn-1, x0, x1, ..., xn-3
out_bitlist = x[len(x) - r:] + x[:len(x) - r]
# x-1, xn-2, ..., x1, x0
# rr(x, 2) = x1, x0, xn-1, ...., x2
# reversed(·) = x2, ..., xn-1, x0, x1
out_bitlist = x[r:] + x[:r]
return cls(functools.reduce(operation.Concat, reversed(out_bitlist)))
raise ValueError(msg)
if op.base_op in [operation.BvShl, operation.BvLshr]:
if op.fixed_args[0] is None and op.fixed_args[1] is not None:
x, r = input_val[0].get_value(), int(op.fixed_args[1])
if r == 0:
return input_val[0]
if r >= len(x):
return cls(core.Constant(0, len(x)))
zero_list = tuple(core.Constant(0, 1) for _ in range(r))
if op.base_op == operation.BvShl:
# xn-1, xn-2, ..., x1, x0
# rs(x, 2) = xn-3, ...., x1, x0, 0, 0
# reversed(·) = 0, 0, x0, x1, ..., xn-3
out_bitlist = zero_list + x[:len(x) - r]
# x-1, xn-2, ..., x1, x0
# rs(x, 2) = 0, 0, xn-1, ...., x2
# reversed(·) = x2, ..., xn-1, 0, 0
out_bitlist = x[r:] + zero_list
return cls(functools.reduce(operation.Concat, reversed(out_bitlist)))
raise ValueError(msg)
if op.base_op == operation.Extract:
if op.fixed_args[0] is None and op.fixed_args[1] is not None and op.fixed_args[2] is not None:
assert len(input_val) == 1
x = input_val[0].get_value()
i, j = op.fixed_args[1], op.fixed_args[2]
n = len(x)
out_bitlist = list(reversed(x))[n - 1 - i:n - j]
if i == j:
assert len(out_bitlist) == 1
return cls(out_bitlist[0])
return cls(functools.reduce(operation.Concat, out_bitlist))
raise ValueError(msg)
new_input_val = []
counter_non_fixed_args = 0
for fa in op.fixed_args:
if fa is not None:
if isinstance(fa, int):
raise ValueError(msg)
counter_non_fixed_args += 1
assert len(input_val) == counter_non_fixed_args
return cls.propagate(op.base_op, new_input_val)
raise ValueError(msg)