Source code for boolcrypt.findpolyoptimal

"""Find an affine equivalent permutation minimizing some objective function."""
import math

from boolcrypt.utilities import (
    get_time, get_lut_inversion, compose_matrix_lut, compose_anf_fast, matrix2anf, lut2anf,
    normalize_poly, matrix2poly, lut2poly, get_smart_print

import sage.all

from sage.rings.polynomial.pbori.pbori import BooleanPolynomialVector

GF = sage.all.GF
PolynomialRing = sage.all.PolynomialRing
BooleanPolynomialRing = sage.all.BooleanPolynomialRing

[docs]def find_optimal_equiv_poly(lut, field=None, mode="random", minimize="deg", filename=None, verbose=False): """Find an affine equivalent permutation minimizing some objective function. Given F, finds G = B circ F circ A such that the polynomial representing G minimizes some objective function Obj. B is taken linear (adding a constant would not minimize the objective function) and A is taken affine. mode="deg" minimizes the polynomial degree, mode="terms" minimizes the number of term mode="linear_terms" minimizes the number of linear terms x^(q^i) mode="random" tries random A and L mode="all_matrices" iterates all invertible matrices (and constants) mode="all_linearized" iterates all linearized polynomial (and constants). >>> lut = get_lut_inversion(3) >>> bin_matrix = sage.all.matrix(GF(2), 3, 3, [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1]]).inverse() >>> new_lut = compose_matrix_lut(bin_matrix, lut) >>> find_optimal_equiv_poly(new_lut, mode="all_matrices", minimize="terms", verbose=False) 6*x^5 """ dimension = int(math.log(len(lut), 2)) assert 2**dimension == len(lut) if field is None: field = GF(2**dimension, repr="int") poly_ring = PolynomialRing(field, 'x') smart_print = get_smart_print(filename) if minimize == "deg": def objective(p): # taking into account Frobenius offset = min([bin(e)[2:].find('1') for e in p.exponents()]) return // (2**offset) elif minimize == "terms": def objective(p): number_of_terms = p.number_of_terms() if p.constant_coefficient() != 0: number_of_terms -= 1 return number_of_terms elif minimize == "linear_terms": def objective(p): num_terms = 0 for e in p.exponents(): if bin(e).count("1") == 1: num_terms += 1 return num_terms else: assert False linear_group = sage.all.GL(dimension, GF(2)) linear_group_list = linear_group linear_group_list = [] for m in linear_group: m = m.matrix() m.set_immutable() linear_group_list.append(m) del linear_group def random_invertible_matrix(): return linear_group_list[sage.all.randint(0, len(linear_group_list) - 1)] vectors, v2ff, ff2v = field.vector_space(GF(2), map=True) poly = lut2poly(lut, poly_ring.gen()) # polynomial given as map between vectors poly_map = {} for v in vectors: poly_map[tuple(v)] = ff2v(poly(v2ff(v))) size_search = len(linear_group_list) * len(linear_group_list) * len(vectors) if mode == "random": def next_polynomial(): while True: right_matrix, left_matrix = random_invertible_matrix(), random_invertible_matrix() right_ct = vectors.random_element() new_points = [] for x in vectors: y = left_matrix * poly_map[tuple(right_matrix*(x + right_ct))] new_points.append((v2ff(x), v2ff(y))) yield poly_ring.lagrange_polynomial(new_points) elif mode == "all_matrices": def next_polynomial(): for right_matrix, left_matrix, right_ct in sage.all.cartesian_product_iterator([ linear_group_list, linear_group_list, vectors ]): # right_matrix, left_matrix = right_matrix.matrix(), left_matrix.matrix() new_points = [] for x in vectors: y = left_matrix * poly_map[tuple(right_matrix*(x + right_ct))] new_points.append((v2ff(x), v2ff(y))) yield poly_ring.lagrange_polynomial(new_points) elif mode == "all_linearized": linearized_polynomials = [matrix2poly(g, field, poly_ring) for g in linear_group_list] modulus = poly_ring.gen()**(2**dimension) - poly_ring.gen() def next_polynomial(): for right_linpoly, left_linpoly, right_ct in sage.all.cartesian_product_iterator([ linearized_polynomials, linearized_polynomials, field ]): right_composition = poly(right_linpoly + right_ct).mod(modulus) yield left_linpoly(right_composition).mod(modulus) else: raise ValueError("invalid mode") best_poly = poly minimum = objective(best_poly) if verbose: smart_print("input\t{}: {}\tdeg: {}\tterm: {}\n\t{}\n\t{}".format( minimize, minimum,, best_poly.number_of_terms(), best_poly, normalize_poly(best_poly) )) if minimum == 1: return best_poly counter = 0 progress_bar = -1 for new_poly in next_polynomial(): new_poly_obj = objective(new_poly) if new_poly_obj < minimum: best_poly = new_poly minimum = new_poly_obj if verbose: smart_print("{}\t{}: {}\tdeg: {}\tterm: {}\n\t{}\n\t{}".format( get_time(), minimize, minimum,, best_poly.number_of_terms(), best_poly, normalize_poly(best_poly) )) if minimum == 1: break counter += 1 new_progress_bar = (counter * 100) // size_search if new_progress_bar > progress_bar: progress_bar = new_progress_bar if verbose: smart_print("{}% searched".format(progress_bar)) if progress_bar == 100: break return best_poly
[docs]def find_optimal_equiv_anf(sbox_lut, mode="random", minimize="terms", filename=None, verbose=True): """Find an affine equivalent permutation minimizing some objective function. Given F, finds G = B circ F circ A such that the ANF representing G minimizes some objective function Obj. B is taken linear (adding a constant would not minimize the objective function) and A is taken affine. mode="terms" minimizes the number of terms mode="random" tries random A and L mode="all_matrices" iterates all invertible matrices (and constants) mode="all_linearized" iterates all linearized polynomial (and constants). >>> lut = [i for i in range(2**3)] >>> bin_matrix = sage.all.matrix(GF(2), 3, 3, [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1]]).inverse() >>> new_lut = compose_matrix_lut(bin_matrix, lut) >>> list(find_optimal_equiv_anf(new_lut, mode="all_matrices", minimize="terms", verbose=False)) [x0, x1, x2] """ n = int(math.log(len(sbox_lut), 2)) assert 2**n == len(sbox_lut) sbox_anf = lut2anf(sbox_lut) bool_ring = sbox_anf[0].ring() smart_print = get_smart_print(filename) if minimize == "terms": def objective(anf): return sum([len(p_i) for p_i in anf]) else: raise NotImplementedError("only minimize=terms implemented") linear_group = sage.all.GL(n, GF(2)) linear_group_list = linear_group linear_group_list = [] for m in linear_group: m = m.matrix() linear_group_list.append(matrix2anf(m, bool_ring)) del linear_group def random_invertible_matrix(): return linear_group_list[sage.all.randint(0, len(linear_group_list) - 1)] vectors = sage.all.VectorSpace(GF(2), n) size_search = len(linear_group_list) * len(linear_group_list) * len(vectors) if mode == "random": def next_anf(): while True: right_matrix, left_matrix = random_invertible_matrix(), random_invertible_matrix() right_ct = vectors.random_element() right_affine = BooleanPolynomialVector( [component + bit for component, bit in zip(right_matrix, right_ct)] ) yield compose_anf_fast(left_matrix, compose_anf_fast(sbox_anf, right_affine)) elif mode == "all_matrices": def next_anf(): for right_matrix, left_matrix, right_ct in sage.all.cartesian_product_iterator([ linear_group_list, linear_group_list, vectors ]): right_affine = BooleanPolynomialVector( [component + bit for component, bit in zip(right_matrix, right_ct)] ) yield compose_anf_fast(left_matrix, compose_anf_fast(sbox_anf, right_affine)) else: raise ValueError("invalid mode") best_anf = sbox_anf minimum = objective(best_anf) if verbose: smart_print("{}\t{}: {}\t{}".format(get_time(), minimize, minimum, best_anf)) if minimum == n: return best_anf counter = 0 progress_bar = -1 for new_anf in next_anf(): new_anf_obj = objective(new_anf) if new_anf_obj < minimum: best_anf = new_anf minimum = new_anf_obj if verbose: smart_print("{} | {}:{} | {}".format(get_time(), minimize, minimum, best_anf)) if minimum == n: break counter += 1 new_progress_bar = (counter * 100) // size_search if new_progress_bar > progress_bar: progress_bar = new_progress_bar if verbose: smart_print("{}% searched".format(progress_bar)) if progress_bar == 100: break return best_anf