"""Functions to search for binary permutation polynomials."""
from boolcrypt.utilities import (
get_smart_print, lut2hex_string, poly2lut, hex_string2lut, invert_lut,
lut2poly, compose_lut, get_time, get_rijndael_field, get_algebraic_degree
import sage.all
GF = sage.all.GF
PolynomialRing = sage.all.PolynomialRing
BooleanPolynomialRing = sage.all.BooleanPolynomialRing
zz_var = PolynomialRing(sage.all.ZZ, 'x').gen() # avoiding generating the PolynomialRing each time
[docs]def str2poly(line, field_var):
"""Parse an string containing a finite field polynomial.
>>> x = PolynomialRing(get_rijndael_field(), 'x').gen()
>>> fpoly = str2poly("53*x^208 + x^13", x)
>>> fpoly
53*x^208 + x^13
>>> fpoly.parent()
Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over Finite Field in a of size 2^8
zpoly = sage.all.sage_eval(line.strip(), locals={str(field_var): zz_var})
# return zpoly2fpoly(zpoly, field_var)
field = field_var.base_ring()
fpoly = field.fetch_int(0)
for exp, coeff in zpoly.dict().items():
fpoly += field.fetch_int(coeff) * (field_var ** exp)
return fpoly
[docs]def is_permutation_poly(polynomial):
"""Check whether the input polynomial is a permutation.
>>> x = PolynomialRing(get_rijndael_field(), 'x').gen()
>>> is_permutation_poly(x**3)
>>> is_permutation_poly(x**127)
>>> is_permutation_poly(str2poly("(23)*x^7 + x^28", x))
collision = set()
num_collisions = 0
for x in polynomial.base_ring():
if len(collision) == num_collisions:
return False
num_collisions += 1
return True
[docs]def poly2lut_fast(polynomial, field, output_lut):
"""Return the LUT representation of a permutation polynomial.
>>> field = GF(2**4, repr="int")
>>> x = PolynomialRing(field, 'x').gen()
>>> output_lut = [None for i in range(2**4)]
>>> poly2lut_fast(x, field, output_lut)
>>> output_lut
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]
for i in range(len(output_lut)):
output_lut[i] = polynomial(field.fetch_int(i)).integer_representation()
# def find_krssb8b_givaro(d, terms, k, output_filename):
# """Find all 8-bit k-rotation-symmetric S-boxes of given algebraic degree.
# This function is faster than find_find_rotation_symmetric_sboxes(),
# but only works with n = 8.
# >>> temp_file = sage.all.tmp_filename('testing_find_8b_krssb', '.txt')
# >>> find_krssb8b_givaro(d=2, terms=5, k=1, output_filename=temp_file)
# >>> with open(temp_file, "r") as file:
# ... print(file.read()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
# # x^3
# # x^5
# # x^6
# # x^9
# # x^10
# # x^12
# # x^17
# # x^18
# # x^20
# # x^24
# # x^33
# # x^34
# # x^36
# # x^40
# # x^48
# x^3 + x^18 + x^32 + x^33 + x^48
# x^3 + x^16 + x^18 + x^33 + x^48
# x^3 + x^8 + x^18 + x^33 + x^48
# x^3 + x^4 + x^18 + x^33 + x^48
# x^2 + x^3 + x^18 + x^33 + x^48
# x + x^3 + x^18 + x^33 + x^48
# # x^65
# ...
# """
# path_binary = "./find_krss8b"
# if not os.path.isfile(path_binary):
# raise ValueError("cannot find find_krss8b binary in " + path_binary)
# subprocess.check_call([path_binary, str(d), str(terms), str(k), output_filename])
[docs]def find_divisors_or_selfequivs(permutation, input_file, output_file=None,
deg_remainder=None, deg_other_se=None,
side_divisor="both", side_se="both",
field_var=None, num_char_per_elem=None, time_marks=None):
"""Find divisors and/or self-equivalences of a permutation.
The list of candidates P can be given as a file
containing hex strings or str polynomials.
If given as hex strings, the number of characters used
element must be given (see hex_string2lut).
If given as str polynomials, the variable of the
polynomials must also be given.
The permutation S can be given as a LUT, a polynomial
or in the same format as the list of candidates.
If side_divisor="left", outputs the candidates P such that S = P R.
If side_divisor="right", outputs the candidates P such that S = R P.
In both cases, outputs those P when deg(R) <= deg_remainder.
If side_se="left", outputs the candidates P such that S = P S R.
If side_se="right", outputs the candidates P such that S = R S P.
In both cases, outputs those P when deg(R) <= deg_other_se.
If loop_over_all_ct="left", for each candidate P, check also k + P(x).
If loop_over_all_ct="right", for each candidate P, check also P(x+k).
>>> temp_file = sage.all.tmp_filename('testing_find_all_divisor_se', '.txt')
>>> find_krssb(n=3, d=2, terms=3, k=1, filename=temp_file)
>>> x = PolynomialRing(GF(2**3, repr="int"), "x").gen()
>>> # finding left divisors P such that S = P R, with deg(R)<=2
>>> find_divisors_or_selfequivs("x^6", temp_file, deg_remainder=2, side_divisor="left", field_var=x, verbose=True)
# found left divisor; deg(R): 2, poly(R): x^6 + x^3 + x^2
x^3 + x^2 + x
# found left divisor; deg(R): 2, poly(R): x^6 + x^5 + x^4
x^5 + x^4 + x
# found left divisor; deg(R): 2, poly(R): x^6 + x^5 + x^4 + x^3 + x^2
x^5 + x^3 + x
# found left divisor; deg(R): 2, poly(R): x^6 + x^5 + x^4 + x^3 + x
x^6 + x^5 + x^4
# found left divisor; deg(R): 2, poly(R): x^6 + x^5 + x^3 + x^2 + x
x^6 + x^3 + x^2
>>> # finding left self-equivalences P such that S = P S R, with deg(R)<=2
>>> find_divisors_or_selfequivs("x^6", temp_file, deg_other_se=2, side_se="left", field_var=x, verbose=False)
[0, 1, 5, 2, 7, 4, 3, 6]
[0, 1, 3, 6, 5, 2, 7, 4]
[0, 1, 6, 5, 2, 7, 4, 3]
[0, 1, 4, 3, 6, 5, 2, 7]
[0, 1, 2, 7, 4, 3, 6, 5]
>>> x = PolynomialRing(get_rijndael_field(), 'x').gen()
>>> temp_file = sage.all.tmp_filename('testing_find_all_divisor_se_part2', '.txt')
>>> # find_krssb8b_givaro(d=2, terms=5, k=1, output_filename=temp_file)
>>> # finding left divisors P such that x^13 = P R, with deg(R)<=3
>>> # find_divisors_or_selfequivs("x^13", temp_file, deg_remainder=3, side_divisor="left", field_var=x, verbose=True)
# found left divisor; deg(R): 3, poly(R): x^80 + x^65 + x^52 + x^20 + x^5
x^5 + x^20 + x^64 + x^65 + x^80
# found left divisor; deg(R): 3, poly(R): x^104 + x^80 + x^65 + x^20 + x^5
x^5 + x^20 + x^32 + x^65 + x^80
# found left divisor; deg(R): 3, poly(R): x^208 + x^80 + x^65 + x^20 + x^5
x^5 + x^16 + x^20 + x^65 + x^80
# found left divisor; deg(R): 3, poly(R): x^161 + x^80 + x^65 + x^20 + x^5
x^5 + x^8 + x^20 + x^65 + x^80
# found left divisor; deg(R): 3, poly(R): x^80 + x^67 + x^65 + x^20 + x^5
x^4 + x^5 + x^20 + x^65 + x^80
# found left divisor; deg(R): 3, poly(R): x^134 + x^80 + x^65 + x^20 + x^5
x^2 + x^5 + x^20 + x^65 + x^80
# found left divisor; deg(R): 3, poly(R): x^80 + x^65 + x^20 + x^13 + x^5
x + x^5 + x^20 + x^65 + x^80
# found left divisor; deg(R): 3, poly(R): x^160 + x^130 + x^40 + x^13 + x^10
x + x^10 + x^40 + x^130 + x^160
assert field_var is not None or num_char_per_elem is not None
smart_print = get_smart_print(output_file)
if isinstance(permutation, (list, tuple)):
permutation_lut = list(permutation)
elif hasattr(permutation, "base_ring"):
# is a polynomial whp
permutation_lut = poly2lut(permutation)
if field_var is not None:
permutation_lut = poly2lut(str2poly(permutation, field_var))
permutation_lut = hex_string2lut(permutation.strip(), num_char_per_elem)
inv_permutation_lut = invert_lut(permutation_lut)
if field_var is not None:
field = field_var.base_ring()
field = None
size_field = len(permutation_lut)
if xor_cts is not None:
assert xor_cts in ["right", "left"]
cts = [i for i in range(size_field)]
cts = [0]
candidate_lut = [None for _ in range(size_field)]
xor_candidate_lut = [None for _ in range(size_field)]
with open("{}".format(input_file)) as file:
for index, line in enumerate(file):
if line.startswith("#") or line.startswith("find"):
if time_marks is not None:
if index % time_marks == 0:
smart_print("# {} | index: {}".format(get_time(), index))
line = line.strip()
if field_var is not None:
poly2lut_fast(str2poly(line, field_var), field, candidate_lut)
candidate_lut = hex_string2lut(line.strip(), num_char_per_elem)
for ct in cts:
if ct == 0:
xor_candidate_lut = candidate_lut
if xor_cts == "right":
for i in range(size_field):
xor_candidate_lut[i] = candidate_lut[i.__xor__(ct)]
for i in range(size_field):
xor_candidate_lut[i] = candidate_lut[i].__xor__(ct)
inv_candidate_lut = invert_lut(xor_candidate_lut)
if deg_remainder is not None:
if side_divisor == "left" or side_divisor == "both":
# S = P R <==> P^(-1) S = R
composition = compose_lut(inv_candidate_lut, permutation_lut)
degree = get_algebraic_degree(composition)
if degree <= deg_remainder:
if not verbose:
to_output = "# found left divisor; deg(R): {}".format(degree)
if xor_cts:
to_output += ", ct:{}".format(ct)
if field_var is not None:
to_output += ", poly(R): {}".format(lut2poly(composition, field_var))
if side_divisor == "right" or side_divisor == "both":
# S = R P <==> S P^(-1) = R
composition = compose_lut(permutation_lut, inv_candidate_lut)
degree = get_algebraic_degree(composition)
if degree <= deg_remainder:
if not verbose:
to_output = "# found right divisor; deg(R): {}".format(degree)
if xor_cts:
to_output += ", ct:{}".format(ct)
if field_var is not None:
to_output += ", poly(R): {}".format(lut2poly(composition, field_var))
if deg_other_se is not None:
if side_se == "left" or side_se == "both":
# S = P S R <==> S^(-1) P^(-1) S = R
composition = compose_lut(inv_permutation_lut, compose_lut(inv_candidate_lut, permutation_lut))
degree = get_algebraic_degree(composition)
if degree <= deg_other_se:
if not verbose:
to_output = "# found left selfequiv; deg(R): {}".format(degree)
if xor_cts:
to_output += ", ct:{}".format(ct)
if field_var is not None:
to_output += ", poly(R): {}".format(lut2poly(composition, field_var))
if side_se == "right" or side_se == "both":
# S = R S P <==> S P^(-1) S^(-1) = R
composition = compose_lut(permutation_lut, compose_lut(inv_candidate_lut, inv_permutation_lut))
degree = get_algebraic_degree(composition)
if degree <= deg_other_se:
if not verbose:
to_output = "# right selfequiv; deg(R): {}".format(degree)
if xor_cts:
to_output += ", ct:{}".format(ct)
if field_var is not None:
to_output += ", poly(R): {}".format(lut2poly(composition, field_var))
[docs]def check_permutation(input_file, mode, degree=None, output_file=None,
field_var=None, num_char_per_elem=None, verbose=False):
"""Check properties of permutations given in a file.
The permutation can be given as hex strings or str polynomials.
If given as hex strings, the number of characters used
element must be given (see hex_string2lut).
If given as str polynomials, the variable of the
polynomials must also be given.
List of modes:
- "is_odd" outputs the permutations that are odd (like the inversion)
- "inv_deg_max" outputs the permutations whose inverse degree
are greater than the target degree
- "inv_deg_min" outputs the permutations whose inverse degree
are lower than the target degree
- "unique" outputs the list of permutations without duplicates
- "invertible" outputs the permutations that are invertible
- "linear_repr" outputs the linear representatives, without duplicates
>>> x = PolynomialRing(get_rijndael_field(), 'x').gen()
>>> temp_file = sage.all.tmp_filename('testing_check_lut', '.txt')
>>> with open(temp_file, "w") as file:
... print("x", file=file)
... print("x", file=file)
... print("x**127", file=file)
>>> check_permutation(temp_file, "is_odd", output_file=None, field_var=x)
>>> check_permutation(temp_file, "inv_deg_min", degree=3, output_file=None, field_var=x)
# 7
>>> check_permutation(temp_file, "inv_deg_max", degree=2, output_file=None, field_var=x)
# 1
# 1
>>> check_permutation(temp_file, "unique", output_file=None, field_var=x)
>>> x = PolynomialRing(GF(2**4, repr="int"), 'x').gen()
>>> cpe = 2
>>> temp_file = sage.all.tmp_filename('testing_check_lut2', '.txt')
>>> with open(temp_file, "w") as file:
... print(lut2hex_string(poly2lut(x**2), cpe), file=file)
... print(lut2hex_string(poly2lut(x**3), cpe), file=file)
... print(lut2hex_string(poly2lut(x**6), cpe), file=file)
>>> check_permutation(temp_file, "invertible", output_file=None, num_char_per_elem=cpe)
>>> check_permutation(temp_file, "linear_repr", output_file=None, num_char_per_elem=cpe)
(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15)
(16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16)
assert field_var is not None or num_char_per_elem == 2
smart_print = get_smart_print(output_file)
if field_var is not None:
field = field_var.base_ring()
lut = [None for _ in range(len(field))]
field = None
lut = None
previous_lut = set()
num_luts = 0
# avoid for 8-bit quadratic permutations
if mode == "linear_repr":
from boolcrypt.equivalence import get_linear_repr
# if mode == "linear_equiv":
# previous_lut = []
# num_luts = 0
# import sboxu
# import multiprocessing
# import time
# return_dictionary = {'is_le': False}
# def is_le(left_lut, right_lut, queue):
# # https://stackoverflow.com/a/37736655/4355013
# status = sboxu.linear_equivalence_fast(left_lut, right_lut)
# print("is_le?:", len(status) > 0)
# ret = queue.get()
# ret['is_le'] = True
# queue.put(ret)
# # return_dictionary_input["is_le"] = len(status) > 0
with open("{}".format(input_file)) as file:
for index, line in enumerate(file):
if line.startswith("#") or line.startswith("find"):
line = line.strip()
if field_var is not None:
poly2lut_fast(str2poly(line, field_var), field, lut)
lut = hex_string2lut(line.strip(), num_char_per_elem)
if mode == "is_odd":
# noinspection PyArgumentList
is_even = sage.all.Permutation([i+1 for i in lut]).is_even()
if not is_even:
elif mode == "inv_deg_min":
inv_lut = invert_lut(lut)
deg = get_algebraic_degree(inv_lut)
if deg >= degree:
smart_print("# " + str(deg))
elif mode == "inv_deg_max":
inv_lut = invert_lut(lut)
deg = get_algebraic_degree(inv_lut)
if deg <= degree:
smart_print("# " + str(deg))
elif mode == "unique":
if num_luts == len(previous_lut):
num_luts = len(previous_lut)
elif mode == "invertible":
if len(lut) == len(set(lut)):
elif mode == "linear_repr":
if verbose:
print("{} | computing get_linear_repr(candidate[{}])".format(get_time(), index))
lr = tuple(get_linear_repr(lut)) # to get hashed
if num_luts == len(previous_lut):
smart_print(lr) # prints linear reprs, not luts!
num_luts = len(previous_lut)
raise ValueError("invalid mode")
# elif mode == "linear_equiv":
# for i, p_lut in enumerate(reversed(previous_lut)):
# print("{} | computing le(candidate[{}], lut[-{}])".format(get_time(), index, i))
# # is_le = linear_equivalence(p_lut, lut)
# queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
# queue.put(return_dictionary)
# p = multiprocessing.Process(target=is_le, args=(p_lut, lut, queue))
# p.start()
# p.join(1) # Wait a maximum of 10 seconds for foo
# result = queue.get()['is_le']
# print("queue.get()['is_le']:", result)
# if result:
# break
# return_dictionary['is_le'] = False
# if p.is_alive():
# print("aborting...")
# p.terminate()
# p.join()
# else:
# smart_print(line)
# previous_lut.append(lut)
[docs]def polyfile2hex(n, input_file, output_file=None, field_var=None):
"""Return the hex representation of permutation polynomials.
>>> temp_file = sage.all.tmp_filename('test_poly2hex', '.txt')
>>> with open(temp_file, "w") as file:
... print("x", file=file)
... print("x**127", file=file)
>>> polyfile2hex(4, temp_file, output_file=None)
smart_print = get_smart_print(output_file)
if field_var is None:
if n != 8:
field_var = PolynomialRing(GF(2 ** n, repr="int"), 'x').gen()
field_var = PolynomialRing(get_rijndael_field(), 'x').gen()
field = field_var.base_ring()
lut = [None for _ in range(2**n)]
size_lut = len(lut)
with open("{}".format(input_file)) as file:
for index, line in enumerate(file):
if line.startswith("#") or line.startswith("find"):
line = line.strip()
# avoid poly2lut() for efficiency
# lut = poly2lut(str2poly(line, field_var))
polynomial = str2poly(line, field_var)
for i in range(size_lut):
lut[i] = polynomial(field.fetch_int(i)).integer_representation()
smart_print(lut2hex_string(lut, num_char_per_elem=2))
[docs]def get_sas_decomposition(exponent, n, degree, max_degree=None):
Find an SAS decomposition of a given power function f(x)=x^exponent,
where A is an invertible linear monomial (x^2^i) and
the S's are invertible non-linear monomials with given algebraic degree.
Each decomposition is given by a triplet [a, b, c] where (a, c)
are the exponents of the non-linear monomials and b is the exponent
of the linear monomial.
>>> decompositions = get_sas_decomposition(127, 8, 3)
>>> decompositions[:5]
[[13, 1, 49], [13, 2, 152], [13, 4, 76], [13, 8, 38], [13, 16, 19]]
import itertools
ring_exps = sage.all.IntegerModRing(2**n - 1)
exponent = ring_exps(exponent)
if max_degree is None:
max_degree = 2 ** n
linear_exps = [ring_exps(2**i) for i in range(n)]
nonlin_exps = [ring_exps(x) for x in range(2**n) if 1 < bin(x).count("1") <= degree and x < max_degree]
decompositions = []
for s_1, a_1, s_2 in itertools.product(nonlin_exps, linear_exps, nonlin_exps):
if s_1 * a_1 * s_2 == exponent:
# print(s_1, a_1, s_2)
decompositions.append([s_1, a_1, s_2])
return decompositions
[docs]def get_monomial_permutation(n, alg_deg, field=None, ignore_le=False, verbose=False):
"""Get all permutation monomials in GF(2^n) with given algebraic degree.
>>> get_monomial_permutation(4, 3, ignore_le=True, verbose=True)
found x^11 but is LE to x^7
found x^13 but is LE to x^7
found x^14 but is LE to x^7
>>> get_monomial_permutation(4, 3)
[x^7, x^11, x^13, x^14]
>>> get_monomial_permutation(8, 3, ignore_le=True, verbose=True) # doctest: +SKIP
found x^14 but is LE to x^7
found x^22 but is LE to x^11
found x^26 but is LE to x^13
found x^28 but is LE to x^7
found x^38 but is LE to x^19
found x^41 but is LE to x^37
found x^44 but is LE to x^11
found x^49 but is LE to x^19
found x^52 but is LE to x^13
found x^56 but is LE to x^7
found x^67 but is LE to x^13
found x^73 but is LE to x^37
found x^74 but is LE to x^37
found x^76 but is LE to x^19
found x^82 but is LE to x^37
found x^88 but is LE to x^11
found x^97 but is LE to x^11
found x^98 but is LE to x^19
found x^104 but is LE to x^13
found x^112 but is LE to x^7
found x^131 but is LE to x^7
found x^133 but is LE to x^11
found x^134 but is LE to x^13
found x^137 but is LE to x^19
found x^146 but is LE to x^37
found x^148 but is LE to x^37
found x^152 but is LE to x^19
found x^161 but is LE to x^13
found x^164 but is LE to x^37
found x^176 but is LE to x^11
found x^193 but is LE to x^7
found x^194 but is LE to x^11
found x^196 but is LE to x^19
found x^208 but is LE to x^13
found x^224 but is LE to x^7
[x^7, x^11, x^13, x^19, x^37]
from boolcrypt.equivalence import get_linear_repr
if field is None:
if n == 8:
field = get_rijndael_field()
field = GF(2 ** n, repr="int")
x = PolynomialRing(field, 'x').gen()
# looping over all polynomials x^(le)
# - ignoring affine constant
monomial_permutations = []
lin_reprs = {}
for exp in range(2**n):
if bin(exp).count("1") != alg_deg:
monomial = x**exp
if is_permutation_poly(monomial):
if ignore_le:
lr = tuple(get_linear_repr(poly2lut(monomial)))
if lr in lin_reprs:
if verbose:
print("found {} but is LE to {}".format(monomial, lin_reprs[lr]))
lin_reprs[lr] = monomial
if verbose:
return monomial_permutations
[docs]def find_quadratic_permutations(n, strong=False, filename=None):
"""Find quadratic permutation in ANF form.
If strong=True, find permutations without linear components
and with good differential properties. In this cases,
LUTs are printed (instead of ANFs) together with their
differential uniformity.
>>> find_quadratic_permutations(n=3)
[x0, x1, x2]
[x0, x1, x0*x1 + x2]
[x0, x0*x2 + x1, x2]
[x0, x0*x2 + x1, x0*x1 + x0*x2 + x2]
[x0, x0*x1 + x0*x2 + x1, x0*x1 + x2]
[x0, x0*x1 + x0*x2 + x1, x0*x1 + x0*x2 + x2]
[x0 + x1*x2, x1, x2]
[x0 + x1*x2, x1, x0*x1 + x1*x2 + x2]
[x0 + x1*x2, x0*x1 + x0*x2 + x1, x0*x1 + x0*x2 + x2]
[x0 + x1*x2, x0*x1 + x0*x2 + x1, x0*x1 + x1*x2 + x2]
[x0 + x1*x2, x0*x2 + x1*x2 + x1, x2]
[x0 + x1*x2, x0*x2 + x1*x2 + x1, x0*x1 + x0*x2 + x2]
[x0*x1 + x0 + x1*x2, x1, x0*x1 + x2]
[x0*x1 + x0 + x1*x2, x1, x0*x1 + x1*x2 + x2]
[x0*x1 + x0 + x1*x2, x0*x2 + x1, x0*x1 + x0*x2 + x2]
[x0*x1 + x0 + x1*x2, x0*x2 + x1, x0*x1 + x1*x2 + x2]
[x0*x1 + x0 + x1*x2, x0*x2 + x1*x2 + x1, x0*x1 + x2]
[x0*x1 + x0 + x1*x2, x0*x2 + x1*x2 + x1, x0*x1 + x0*x2 + x2]
[x0*x2 + x0 + x1*x2, x0*x2 + x1, x2]
[x0*x2 + x0 + x1*x2, x0*x2 + x1, x0*x1 + x1*x2 + x2]
[x0*x2 + x0 + x1*x2, x0*x1 + x0*x2 + x1, x0*x1 + x2]
[x0*x2 + x0 + x1*x2, x0*x1 + x0*x2 + x1, x0*x1 + x1*x2 + x2]
[x0*x2 + x0 + x1*x2, x0*x2 + x1*x2 + x1, x2]
[x0*x2 + x0 + x1*x2, x0*x2 + x1*x2 + x1, x0*x1 + x2]
>>> find_quadratic_permutations(n=3, strong=True)
2 [0, 1, 2, 5, 4, 7, 3, 6]
2 [0, 1, 2, 7, 4, 3, 5, 6]
2 [0, 1, 2, 6, 4, 3, 7, 5]
2 [0, 1, 2, 6, 4, 7, 5, 3]
2 [0, 1, 2, 7, 4, 6, 3, 5]
2 [0, 1, 2, 5, 4, 6, 7, 3]
from boolcrypt.utilities import vector2int
import itertools
smart_print = get_smart_print(filename)
# smart_print("sample_quadratic_boolfunc({})".format(n))
balanced = len(sage.all.VectorSpace(GF(2), n)) // 2
vector_space_gf2n = sage.all.VectorSpace(GF(2), n)
def is_balanced(my_component):
counter = 0
for w in vector_space_gf2n:
counter += int(my_component(*w))
return counter == balanced
def are_balanced(old_components, new_component):
# check all combinations considering new_component are balanced
i = len(old_components)
for r in range(1, i + 1): # i = 1, r in [1,]
for combination in itertools.combinations(range(i), r): # i = 1, combinations = (0,)
aux = bool_ring(0)
for c in combination:
aux += old_components[c]
aux = aux + new_component
if strong and aux.degree() <= 1:
return False
if not is_balanced(aux):
# print(len(old_components)*"\t" + "non-balanced {} <-> {}".format(new_component, combination))
return False
return True
def is_permutation(anf):
collision = [False for _ in range(2 ** n)]
for w in vector_space_gf2n:
result = vector2int([f(*w) for f in anf])
if collision[result] is True:
return False
collision[result] = True
return True
bool_ring = BooleanPolynomialRing(n, 'x')
# affine ct to zero
quadratic_terms = [] # list(B.gens())
for i in range(n):
for j in range(i):
quadratic_terms.append(bool_ring.variable(i) * bool_ring.variable(j))
quadratic_terms = sage.all.vector(quadratic_terms)
quadratic_coeff_space = [sage.all.VectorSpace(GF(2), len(quadratic_terms)) for _ in range(n)]
# if randomized is True:
# _quadratic_coeff_space = quadratic_coeff_space[:]
# for i in range(n):
# quadratic_coeff_space[i] = (_quadratic_coeff_space[i].random_element() for _ in range(1000000))
from boolcrypt.utilities import get_differential_uniformity, anf2lut
def recursion(components):
if len(components) >= n:
if is_permutation(components):
if not strong:
lut = anf2lut(components)
du = get_differential_uniformity(lut)
if du < 2**n:
smart_print("{} {}".format(du, lut))
i = len(components)
for quadratic_coeff in quadratic_coeff_space[i]:
if strong and quadratic_coeff == 0:
new_component = quadratic_coeff * quadratic_terms + bool_ring.variable(i)
if is_balanced(new_component):
if are_balanced(components, new_component):
# smart_print(len(components)*"\t" + "found {}-th component: {}".format(
# len(components), new_component))
# components.append(new_component)
recursion(components + [new_component])
# smart_print(len(components)*"\t" + "non-balanced {}-th component: {}".format(
# len(components), new_component))
for leading_quadratic_coeff in quadratic_coeff_space[0]:
if strong and leading_quadratic_coeff == 0:
component = leading_quadratic_coeff * quadratic_terms + bool_ring.variable(0)
if is_balanced(component):
# smart_print("found 0-th component:", component)
# smart_print("non-balanced 0-th component:", component)