"""Manage the representation of bit-vector expressions."""
from sympy.printing import repr as sympy_repr
from sympy.printing import str as sympy_str
# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyMethodMayBeStatic
[docs]class BvStrPrinter(sympy_str.StrPrinter):
"""Printing class that handles the `str` method of `Term`."""
def _need_parentheses(self, bv, parent):
"""Return true if bv need parenthesis when used in infix notation."""
from arxpy.bitvector import core
assert isinstance(bv, (core.Term, int))
if isinstance(bv, int):
return False
elif isinstance(bv, core.Term) and len(bv.args) in [0, 1]:
return False
elif type(bv) == type(parent):
# avoid a == b == c == d instead of (a == b) == (c == d)
from arxpy.bitvector import operation
if type(parent) == operation.BvComp:
return True
return False
return True
def _print_Term(self, bv):
args = [self._print(a) for a in bv.args]
return "{}({})".format(type(bv).__name__, ", ".join(args))
def _print_Constant(self, bv):
if bv.width % 4 == 0:
return bv.hex()
return bv.bin()
def _print_Variable(self, bv):
return bv.name
def _print_Operation(self, bv):
has_symbol = hasattr(bv, "unary_symbol") or hasattr(bv, "infix_symbol")
op_name = getattr(bv, "alt_name", type(bv).__name__)
args = []
for a in bv.args:
if has_symbol and self._need_parentheses(a, bv):
if has_symbol:
assert sum(bv.arity) in [1, 2]
if sum(bv.arity) == 1:
return "{}{}".format(bv.unary_symbol, args[0])
elif sum(bv.arity) == 2:
return "{} {} {}".format(args[0], bv.infix_symbol, args[1])
return "{}({})".format(op_name, ", ".join(args))
def _print_Extract(self, bv):
x, i, j = bv.args
delimiter = ":"
if i == j:
delimiter = i = ""
if j == 0:
j = ""
if i == x.width - 1:
i = ""
if self._need_parentheses(x, bv):
x = "({})".format(self._print(x))
x = self._print(x)
return "{}[{}{}{}]".format(x, i, delimiter, j)
[docs]class BvShortPrinter(BvStrPrinter):
"""Printing class that handles the `srepr` method of `Term`."""
lvl = 0
max_lvl = 5
def _print_Term(self, bv):
assert False
# args = [self._print(a) for a in bv.args]
# return "{}({})".format(type(bv).__name__, ", ".join(args))
def _print_Operation(self, bv):
has_symbol = hasattr(bv, "unary_symbol") or hasattr(bv, "infix_symbol")
op_name = getattr(bv, "alt_name", type(bv).__name__)
from arxpy.bitvector import extraop
# if all(isinstance(a, (int, core.Constant, core.Variable))
# or type(a) == type(bv) for a in bv.args):
if all(isinstance(a, (extraop.Reverse, extraop.PopCount, extraop.PopCountSum2,
extraop.PopCountSum3, extraop.PopCountDiff)) or
type(a) == type(bv) for a in bv.args):
next_lvl = False
next_lvl = True
if next_lvl:
BvShortPrinter.lvl += 1
args = []
for a in bv.args:
if BvShortPrinter.lvl > BvShortPrinter.max_lvl:
elif has_symbol and self._need_parentheses(a, bv):
if next_lvl:
BvShortPrinter.lvl -= 1
if has_symbol:
assert sum(bv.arity) in [1, 2]
if sum(bv.arity) == 1:
return "{}{}".format(bv.unary_symbol, args[0])
elif sum(bv.arity) == 2:
return "{} {} {}".format(args[0], bv.infix_symbol, args[1])
return "{}({})".format(op_name, ", ".join(args))
# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyMethodMayBeStatic
[docs]class BvReprPrinter(sympy_repr.ReprPrinter):
"""Printing class that handles the `Term.vrepr` method."""
def _print_Term(self, bv):
if bv.args:
args = ', '.join([self._print(a) for a in bv.args])
return "{}({}, width={})".format(type(bv).__name__, args, bv.width)
return "{}(width={})".format(type(bv).__name__, bv.width)
def _print_Constant(self, bv):
return "{}({}, width={})".format(type(bv).__name__, bv.bin(), bv.width)
def _print_Variable(self, bv):
name = self._print(bv.name)
return "{}({}, width={})".format(type(bv).__name__, name, bv.width)
[docs]class BvWrapPrinter(BvStrPrinter):
"""Printing class that wrap the representation of `Term`."""
len_prefix = 0
max_line_width = 100
def _print_Operation(self, bv):
standard_repr = super()._print_Operation(bv)
if len(standard_repr) + self.__class__.len_prefix < self.__class__.max_line_width:
return standard_repr
if hasattr(bv, "unary_symbol"):
op_name = bv.unary_symbol
elif hasattr(bv, "infix_symbol"):
op_name = bv.infix_symbol
op_name = getattr(bv, "alt_name", type(bv).__name__)
old_len_prefix = self.__class__.len_prefix
self.__class__.len_prefix += len(op_name) + 1
args = [self._print(bv.args[0])]
for a in bv.args[1:]:
args.append("\n" + " "*self.__class__.len_prefix + self._print(a))
# end = "\n" + " "*old_len_prefix + ")"
self.__class__.len_prefix = old_len_prefix
return "{}({}".format(op_name, ",".join(args)) # + end
[docs]def dotprinting(bv, vrepr_label=False, vrepr_id=False):
"""Print the given bit-vector expression to graphviz format.
bv: a bit-vector `Term`
vrepr_label: if True, the verbose representation (`Term.vrepr`) is used
to label the nodes (instead of the default representation)
vrepr_id: if True, the verbose representation is used to
identify the nodes (instead of the hash value)
>>> from arxpy.bitvector.core import Constant, Variable
>>> expr = Constant(1, 8) + ~Variable("x", 8)
>>> print(dotprinting(expr)) # doctest: +SKIP
digraph {
graph [rankdir=TD]
8318688407297900065 [label=BvAdd color=black shape=ellipse]
2830213174350589301 [label="0x01" color=black shape=ellipse]
8318688407297900065 -> 2830213174350589301
6499762230957827102 [label=BvNot color=black shape=ellipse]
8990231514331719946 [label=x color=black shape=ellipse]
6499762230957827102 -> 8990231514331719946
8318688407297900065 -> 6499762230957827102
This method requires `graphviz <https://www.graphviz.org/>`_
and its `python interface <https://pypi.org/project/graphviz/>`_
to be installed.
.. Useful links
* http://matthiaseisen.com/articles/graphviz/
* https://graphviz.readthedocs.io/
import graphviz as gv
except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
raise ModuleNotFoundError("dotprinting requires graphviz and its python interface; {}", format(e))
from arxpy.bitvector import core
assert isinstance(bv, core.Term)
digraph = gv.Digraph(format='pdf')
digraph.graph_attr['rankdir'] = 'TD'
default_node_options = {
"shape": 'ellipse',
"color": "black",
default_edge_options = {}
def label(node_bv):
"""Return the caption to be displayed."""
assert isinstance(node_bv, (int, core.Term))
if isinstance(node_bv, int):
return str(node_bv)
elif node_bv.is_Atom:
string = node_bv.vrepr() if vrepr_label else str(node_bv)
string = type(node_bv).__name__
return string
def name(node_bv):
"""Return the unique identifier for the node."""
if vrepr_id:
if isinstance(node_bv, core.Term):
return node_bv.vrepr()
return str(node_bv)
return str(hash(node_bv))
def traverse(dg, node_bv):
if isinstance(node_bv, int) or node_bv.is_Atom:
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
dg.node(name(node_bv), label(node_bv), **default_node_options)
dg.node(name(node_bv), label(node_bv), **default_node_options)
for node_arg in node_bv.args:
traverse(dg, node_arg)
dg.edge(name(node_bv), name(node_arg), **default_edge_options)
traverse(digraph, bv)
return digraph.source